Florida Association of Computer User Groups
What is the FACUG FACUG Conference Spring 2005 FACUG is the leading regional association of its kind in the country, FACUG is a southeast regional non-profit tax exempt association of independent computer user groups. FACUG has 58 member groups, including PC and MAC groups, representing over 17,480 computer enthusiasts.
FACUG Conference Spring 2005 Founded in 1993 to assist user groups in the performance of their managerial and educational activities, to promote communications among local user groups, and to facilitate relations between user groups and the computer industry. FACUG is the successor organization to the Florida Suncoast Conference of PC User Groups. Suncoast was one of the early regional groups having been started in 1989 in Sarasota.
WHAT DOES FACUG DO? FACUG Conference Spring 2005 Regional meetings of computer user groups on a semi- annual basis. Arranges panels, round tables, and vendor presentations for user group leaders to review matters of common managerial and operational interest. Provides vendors with members' meeting information to enable vendors to coordinate their schedule of presentations.
FACUG Conference Spring 2005 Publishes semi-annually "FACUG Proceedings" to publicize the activities of FACUG to user groups and vendors. Publishes a home page with member group information, links to member groups, their Presidents and Program Chairs. Home page publicizes FACUG activities, and provides information of common interest to computer user groups. Encourages user group cooperation in matters of common interest. Provides other services (example: Liability Insurance Program).
Regional Meetings FACUG Conference Spring 2005
FACUG Proceedings FACUG Conference Spring 2005
Article in FACUG Proceedings FACUG Conference Spring 2005
FACUG Website Be sure to visit the FACUG Website Your User Group Site should link to the FACUG Website You should visit the site often FACUG Conference Spring 2005
Member Groups Member Groups are listed at the FACUG Web Site Included is important contact information Be sure that your group’s info is up-to-date FACUG Conference Spring 2005
Member Group Listing
Member Meeting & Program Chair Information FACUG Conference Spring 2005 Member Group Meeting day is listed at the FACUG Web Site Included is your Program Chair and contact information Be sure that your group’s info is up-to-date
Member Meeting & Program Info FACUG Conference Spring 2005
Your user group has joined FACUG. Now what? The Florida Association of Computer User Groups was organized to help user group leaders develop necessary skills to improve service to members. To do this we communicate frequently with three key people in each FACUG member group. These are the president, newsletter editor, and user group representative. Each of these people has responsibilities to develop a productive relationship between the user group and FACUG. FACUG Conference Spring 2005
FACUG User Group Representative Updates FACUG database whenever changes in contacts are made within your user group. Attends FACUG conferences when possible. Checks FACUG home page regularly. Joins and participates in FACUG groups. Communicates with board of directors when nomination forms are received in November. If group nominates someone, makes sure that biography of candidate is submitted of 100 words or less. Returns ballot for election of members to FACUG board of directors by deadline. FACUG Conference Spring 2005
User Group President Becomes familiar with FACUG benefits and activities Provides information about FACUG to officers and board of directors. Checks FACUG home page regularly. Attends FACUG conferences when possible. Joins and participates in FACUG groups. Networks with other groups in area. Assures that editor and representative are fulfilling their duties. FACUG Conference Spring 2005
Newsletter Editor Writes and publishes appropriate articles about FACUG in group’s newsletter. Attends FACUG conferences when possible. Checks FACUG home page regularly. Joins and participates in FACUG groups. FACUG Conference Spring 2005
Join the FACUG Yahoo! Group FACUG Conference Spring 2005
FACUG Yahoo! Group Main Page
Yahoo! Group Addresses For more information: Post message: Subscribe: Unsubscribe: List owner: FACUG Conference Spring 2005
Sites to visit FACUG Conference Spring 2005
Get a copy of this SlideShow FACUG Conference Spring 2005 To download this slideshow, the March 2005 Proceedings, and any other items mention in this Roundtable discussion, go to
Thank You ! FACUG Conference Spring 2005