1 CS2SPE- Group project presentation Haia Al-Majali Bojin Zhou Rania Ali Suraj Patel Fatima Tunc Victoria Casas Sam Diab 19 th March 2008
2 Outline System overview Specification Design Implementation Evaluation Conclusion
3 With the use of a simple and user friendly interface, the system accomplishes the basic procedures of e-voting: 1- Registration 2- Validation 3- Data collection 4- Tallying System overview
4 Risk analysis The team ensured to minimise risks and maximise security: RiskSolution Verifiability of votes - Internal tracking of votes, to ensure every ballot is registered to the voter who submitted it. Voter ID - identity is checked against the register of electors and a record is made that the voter has voted No multiple voting - Provision for editing the vote any number of times without being counted as more than one vote. The system would match the voter ID each time with the database displaying an error message if it already exists.
5 MYSQL: 1- Easy to use, interactive. 2- Runs on may operating systems 3- Secure, flexible system of authorisation: allows database privileges to specific users. Choice of software
6 PHP: 1- Maintains many special features and functionality needed to create dynamic web pages. 2- Works well with MYSQL, designed to support databases. Responsible for technical details required to communicate with a database e.g. setting up the connection between the code and the database. Choice of software
7 MYSQL & PHP Relationship: Compliment each other, both maintain web-orientated features for producing a distributive website Choice of software
8 Specification
9 The following points were considered during design: Layout kept consistent throughout. Colours- 3 combined colours to suit the formal purpose of the site. Reasonable font size. Standard dialogue and vocabulary used for non native English users. Design
10 Features
11 Features
12 The system contains the basic functionality requirements needed to carry out the registration and voting process effectively. However, we came across some limitations that hindered progress. Evaluation
13 Limitations: The system does not offer users different types of elections according to different constituencies. It does not match candidates with their constituencies. Evaluation
14 The system meets it’s requirements carrying through all the main tasks required i.e. registration, login and voting. It has an easy and straight to the point interface with no unnecessary detail, ambiguity or complications. Conclusion
15 A lot of bugs and glitches were faced while programming but with a lot of hard work and research the group managed to work it through. Conclusion
16 Search facility (use postcode to find constituency-related vote info). Interactive bulletin board with details of vote and result dates according to different constituencies. Multilingual accessibility. Font size feature to suit different users. Future work