Legislative Branch
Senate Each of the 50 states sends 2 people to the senate, so there are a total of 100 senators.
Senators Senators have to be 30 years or older to run. Have to have been a.U.S. citizen for 9 years. They have to live in the state they represent.
Say yes or no to any treaties the president makes. Can hold a trial for a government official who does something very wrong.
Each representatives serves a term of two years Representatives make laws
The House of Representatives You must be at least 25 years old. You must be a U.S. citizen for the past 7 years. You must live in the state that you represent.
Executive Branch
The President The president is the head of the Executive branch and plays large role in making America’s laws.
1. You need to be 35 years old to run. 2. You have to have lived in the U.S.A. for 14 years to run. 3. You have to have your name known. 4. You have to have 200 signatures to get your name on the ballot. 5. You have to choose to be a Democratic or a Republican 6. You need to have a vice president.
Vice President President can no longer do the job. President of the senate and becomes
The supreme court is the highest Court in the United States.
Supreme Court The supreme court takes in only 80 to 100 cases out 1,700 a year.
Terms and Responsibility’s The Terms of the Judicial branch Courts decide arguments about the meaning of laws. The supreme court is the highest court in the land! The judicial branch of government is made up of the court system.