WHAT IS IT? Difficult piece of work. Gives a good indication of subject knowledge. Worth half the practical mark for A2 (20%) The deadline will be set for February half-term.
SECTION A: PRACTICAL PERFORMANCE Assessed on ability to effectively perform in one of the following roles: A practical performer An official/referee/umpire in chosen activity A leader/coach in chosen activity All in a fully competitive game Worth 60 marks
SECTION B: ANALYSIS IN RELATION TO AN ELITE PERFORMER B1 requires student self-analysis in relation to perfect models leading to identification of their OWN WEAKNESSES which are applied into competitive/performance situations B2 requires student descriptions of perfect technical/tactical models of NAMED ELITE PERFORMERS applied into competitive/performance situations ANALYSING YOUR WEAKNESSES IN RELATION TO AN ELITE PERFORMER DRAWING ON SYLLABUS CONTENT NO NAMED ELITE PERFORMER IN B2 = NO MARKS
SECTION C: APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING TO OPTIMISE PERFORMANCE Following the identification of your weaknesses you will suggest strategies that will lead to an optimisation in performance You identify the KEY CAUSE of the weaknesses (C1) Using knowledge of all aspects of theory content, suggest 1 IMPORTANT THEORETICAL CORRECTIVE MEASURE Need to avoid pure regurgitation of theory from textbooks – must apply it in a relevant manner to access higher marks. Worth 60 marks
WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? 6 different causes/corrective measures overall with at least 1 from AS theory, at least 1 from A2 theory and 4 others
THE GOOD….. Excellent for revision (re-takes & A2) Can be completed early Plenty of examples to use Mentored by staff
THE BAD…… Although there is a choice of role, being a performer is much easier for the written coursework. Weaknesses, corrective measures and comparison as an official / coach?? Can take a long time