Bilingual Authorization (BLA) Overview UCSD Education Studies Department Single Subject Candidates 19 June 2012
Agenda A brief history: What’s new? UCSD’s approved Bilingual Authorization program Program requirements and timelines Q, A and discussion
A brief history Continuous growth in number & diversity of K-12 English Learner (EL) students Changing K-12 EL program models (Post-227=Structured English Immersion; increasing interest in dual-language, immersion, and heritage language programs) SB 2042 (2001) replaced previously-optional CLAD emphasis with EL authorization embedded in all preliminary MS/SS credentials; BCLAD no longer an option (effective Jan 2012) New Bilingual Authorization Program Standards adopted (2008) & new CSET: LOTE (Languages Other Than English) exams developed in Methodology, Culture & Language.
What’s new? Move from “emphasis” (e.g., BCLAD: within an initial preparation program) to “authorization” (Bilingual Authorization = BLA) “Authorization” options increase flexibility: Complete an approved program concurrently OR subsequently to earning a credential Allows program sponsors to determine equivalency through combination of coursework and exams
What is “authorized”? Instruction in SDAIE (Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English) = access to grade-level content English Language Development (ELD) = preK-12 and adult Instruction for primary language development in the language of emphasis and content instruction delivered in the language of emphasis in a bilingual MS or SS assignment (info on teaching a language as a single subject provided later in this presentation)
UCSD’s Approved Program The Bilingual Authorization program within the Education Studies Program (EDS) at the University of California, San Diego, prepares Multiple and Single Subject candidates for the bilingual authorization in Spanish, American Sign Language, Arabic, Cantonese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin or Vietnamese. The program will also serve credentialed teachers who wish to add the bilingual authorization to an existing credential that authorizes service to English learners in California. Candidates develop depth and breadth of knowledge in the history and culture of language of emphasis groups through a wide range of course offerings at UCSD, including courses in the Departments of Linguistics, Literature, Anthropology, Ethnic Studies, and History. Core EDS Bilingual Authorization coursework, conducted in collaboration with the EDS Experimental Program in American Sign Language-English Bilingual Education, includes the history, politics and theory of bilingual education, language and culture in education, equitable educational research and practices, and bilingual instructional practices. All candidates engage in substantive field experiences with K-12 students from language of emphasis groups through completion of student teaching or internship assignments (MS and SS candidates) or a research practicum (post- credential candidates). Candidates demonstrate competence in bilingual methodology and knowledge of the culture of emphasis through signature assignments aligned to the Bilingual Authorization Program Standards that are embedded in core coursework and field experiences. Candidates for the bilingual authorization in Spanish may demonstrate language competence through coursework and program assessment. Candidates in all other languages of emphasis demonstrate language competence by examination.
Rationale All Languages of Emphasis offered as Heritage and/or Target Languages at UCSD Coursework in History and Culture of all Languages of Emphasis offered at UCSD Significant populations of K-12 students from each of the Language of Emphasis groups in SD County public schools UCSD student backgrounds & interests; bilingual, immersion or heritage K-12 language program interest and/or community needs
Concurrent Program Overview: all MS or SS requirements PLUS Languages of Emphasis Methodological competence Cultural competence Language competence SpanishProgram (EDS 125 and 352AB) Program (Hist/Cult & EDS courses) OR CSET: LOTE Program OR CSET: LOTE Asian & Middle- Eastern Languages Program (EDS 125 and 352AB) Program (Hist/Cult & EDS courses) OR CSET: LOTE CSET: LOTE ASL (part of MA- ASL program) Program (EDS 125 and 342ABC) Program (Hist/Cult & EDS courses) Program
Course of Study EDS Bilingual Authorization Core Methodological Coursework* EDS 117 (Language, Culture & Education)** EDS 125 (History, Theory & Politics of Bilingual Education) EDS 250 (Equitable Educational Practices)*** EDS 351 (Teaching the English Learner)*** EDS 352AB [EDS 342ABC for ASL] (Bilingual Methods) Subject Area Methods (MS=EDS 361ABC; SS=EDS 37X & 376)*** Field experience (MS= EDS AB; SS= EDS 379ABC)*** *May be completed prior to, during, and/ or subsequent to credential **course or equivalent required for MS-2/SS-2 admission *** required for SB 2042 MS or SS credential recommendation
Cultural Competence [Program or Exam Options]*: 4-4 Units in History/Culture of Culture of Emphasis* AND EDS Bilingual Authorization Methodological Coursework OR CSET: LOTE Subtest V in Culture of Emphasis* *may be completed prior to, during or subsequent to SB 2042 credential requirements &/or BLA Methods coursework. MA- ASL coursework includes Program Option; Exam Option not currently available for ASL.
Language competence : Spanish and ASL: Program option: “Intermediate” or better on EDS Language Entrance Exam (or CSET: LOTE, Span.) AND Score of “Advanced” on Embedded Signature Assignments in BLA Methods coursework (program exit) OR Exam option*: Pass CSET: LOTE Subtest III (Spanish only at present) Asian & Middle-Eastern Languages: Pass CSET: LOTE Subtest II (Arabic, Filipino) or III (Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Vietnamese)* * May be completed prior to, during or subsequent to credential requirements &/or BLA Methods coursework
Interested in teaching a world language at the secondary level? Complete SS credential program in your subject area (with or without Bilingual Authorization) Pass full set of CSET: LOTE exams in Language of Emphasis EDS will begin offering a World Language SS methods course in Summer, 2012 (EDS 276) – not required by CCTC to add another subject area to your SS preliminary credential, but may be of interest
Questions? Comments?