AS Biology: Coursework
Issue report A report on a biological topic Intended to bring you into contact with a ‘real life’ example of Biology in use 20% of your AS grade
The style of the report Should demonstrate knowledge of AS Biology Should be written assuming that readers have knowledge of biology to at least GCSE A*-C
The report will.. Have a clear structure Be written using technical vocabulary correctly, where appropriate Incorporate visual methods of presentation Acknowledge any artwork or photographs from other publications or websites Demonstrate due care with the clear and correct use of English Be word processed Be between 1500 and 2000 words, including text attached to any diagrams, figures, graphs and data tables but not the bibliography
Marking Out of 40 marks See the marking criteria in the booklet
Suggested titles: Global amphibians in deep trouble- how can we reverse the decline in the numbers of amphibians? The increasing number of deaths from antibiotic resistant bacteria is a threat to the UK and globally. What can be done to prevent pandemics of such species? The prevention and treatment of obesity The use of pre-natal diagnosis to prevent inherited diseases The treatment of high cholesterol by statins Using artificial organs to supply the need for organ replacement
Deadlines First draft: Wednesday 10 th February 2010 Final submission: Wednesday 31 st March 2010