Online Coursework Submission: From pilot to University-wide implementation: rationale, challenges and further development Andrew Downton, Robert Mossop, Guinevere Glasfurd-Brown University of Essex 2006
Overview Rationale Progress and Challenges Demo: student & staff interfaces Conclusion & Future plans
Rationale University context: VLE issues –Uneven uptake –Not integrated within University MIS systems ZTM Policy –Administrative burden Usability –Staff –Students Plagiarism –Tutorial and guidance for students –Facilitate upload to Turnitin UK
Progress Pilot –Survey –Feedback from staff & students University-wide system –Scalability –Electronic/hard-copy disparity: watermarking –Developments to staff and student interfaces
OCS Demo
Conclusion & future plans Importance of a consultative approach, ensuring ‘buy-in’ from a range of staff across the University OCS generating interest from other HEIs Possible pilot led by the University Learning and Teaching Unit on online marking