Case Study 3 Ian Smith, Napier University “Motivating Students through Group Project and Open-Notes Examination”


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Presentation transcript:

Case Study 3 Ian Smith, Napier University “Motivating Students through Group Project and Open-Notes Examination”

Variations Advanced Digital Media –Level 4 –Semester 1, 2003/2004 Object-Oriented Oriented Design & Development –Level 5 –Semester 2, 2002/2003 –Semester 2, 2003/2004 Human Computer Interaction - –Level 2 –Semester 2, 2003/2004

Starting Point Endeavour to picture the gestalt or ‘organic whole’. All aspects of Learning, Teaching and Assessment are interrelated and should not be considered in isolation.

Enthuse inspire –infectious enthusiasm for subject domain (lecturer) –esprit de corps motivate –encourage –sell the assessment –skills, jobs, interviews etc –portfolio artefact challenge –assessment that pushes the students –personal fulfilment/achievement (student)

Engage be part of the student learning experience –the guide by their side NOT the sage on the stage –involve students in lectures & tutorials be approachable & contactable get to know the students –speak F2F with each one at least once a week provide regular formative feedback (weekly) show you care –make a point of acknowledging contribution and attendance –keep discreet notes of attendance, track students on VLE and provide counselling for those who have disengaged but most of all have fun

Support all learning, assessment & support materials available on-line ensure reading lists are available in library encourage collaborative learning –computer-mediated conferencing –self-study groups transparent assessment –be specific about elements that are assessed –open-notes examination –marking/feedback forms available to encourage self- assessment –schedule lecture and tutorials to support development of assessment get good teaching assistants

Assessment Strategy

Assessment Module descriptor establishes a direct mapping of the module learning outcomes to the assessment strategy. –to encourage deeper learning Assessment for the module comprises both a coursework and an examination. –coursework assessment is developed as a group project and produces homogeneous results; –an examination is included to allow the student to demonstrate individual learning. Lectures (and Tutorials) are scheduled to support coursework development

Group work The students form themselves into groups of three in week 1. Tutor meets each student group for 15 minutes every one to two weeks to provide formative feedback on the progress of their projects. The meetings are scheduled to meet the needs of the students and a record is kept with counselling given to any group or individual that fails to attend. Small group activity brings the students together, encouraging peer support and engendering engagement. On completion of their projects, feedback on the coursework is provided via a feedback sheet and discussed during individual group conferences timetabled to facilitate exam preparation.

Coursework The students are tasked to design & develop an artefact in a manner that allows a degree of self expression –encourage ownership of the assessment and learning process –enhance employability skills such as: teamwork, leadership, creative problem solving, design, communication and management. –deep learning is encouraged, as the student is required to engage in active learning and student interaction in addition to taking responsibility for their own learning and assessment. also required to write a critical report –develops employability skills such as: communication, organizational and presentation. –deep Learning is encouraged, as the student is required to demonstrate a range of higher cognitive abilities that in turn encourages the student to become a reflective practitioner.

Variations Advanced Digital Media –Develop a DVD & WWW Game - tight specification but opportunity for creative expression –Loose specification for design artefacts - encourage creativity and critical thought –Very challenging - but utilises prior learning –Critical Report Object-Oriented Oriented Design & Development –Develop a game - loose specification –Detailed specification for design model - focus of assessment –Critical Report Human Computer Interaction –Develop a prototype - a range of choices to suit programme stream –Very precise and detailed coursework specification –Demonstration

Open Notes Examination An examination is included to allow the student to demonstrate individual learning. –a secure method that minimises cheating –open book examinations assess critical thinking as opposed to memory –deep learning is encouraged, as the student is required to demonstrate a range of higher cognitive abilities. Many students perceive examinations as stressful, therefore –appropriate preparation is provided via an exam briefing –very specific brief for directed study –access to previous papers with worked solutions. –exam extended from 2 to 3 hours to ensure that adequate time is available.

Variations Advanced Digital Media –open-notes –6 topics of directed study (literature review - not taught) –3 compulsory questions on directed study Object-Oriented Oriented Design & Development –open-notes –3 topics of directed study (literature review - not taught) –1 compulsory question on directed study –2 compulsory questions on analysis & design Human Computer Interaction –computer-assisted assessment –closed book –direct mapping to lectures & tutorials

Review & Reflection

Object-Oriented Multimedia Design & Development (OOMDD) Students from liberal arts backgrounds learning software engineering on MSc Multimedia & Interactive Systems (2002/2003)

Comparison of individual student performance in second semester software engineering modules No significant difference

Comparison of individual student performance in second semester examination assessments No significant difference

Achievement of students on MSc Multimedia & Interactive Systems (n=41)

Comparison of individual student achievement in second semester software engineering modules.

Key Points No evidence that individual student performance was improved overall. Evidence of a higher overall pass rate when compared to similar modules. –can be attributed to a caring and supportive environment, developed to nurture and encourage achievement. –regular feedback allows students to measure their progress, and the tutor to identify gaps in their knowledge. –student disengagement readily identified and prompt remedial action can be taken. –ensuring focus of the module is relevant engenders engagement. –collaborative learning and peer support encourages the students to assist and take care of each other. –approach would be appropriate for any discipline where students are experiencing difficulties with subject matter and are disengaging from the learning process.

Advanced Digital Media (ADM) First Semester, 4th Year 2003/2004 BEng Multimedia Systems BSc Multimedia Technology (Direct Entrant Year 3)

Module Ranking (n=45) level 4 modules studied first semester Advanced Digital Media Media Computing Interactive Application Development * Computing & Society ** Content Administration Learning Feedback Student contribution *BEng only **BSc only Source: student feedback survey, semester /04

Comparison of individual student performance in first semester examination assessments n=27 r=0.59 No significant difference

Comparison of individual student performance in modules with similar assessment mechanisms n=27 r=0.56 No significant difference ?

Comparison of module statistics Advanced Digital Media Media Computing mean fails1 (3.7%)3 (11%) qualified fail11 pass1817 merit76 No significant difference ?

Key Points The module ranked very highly (top 6) by students across all criteria. –Perceived to be an enhanced learning experience –Second only to the honours project for personal contribution Indication that individual student performance may have been improved compared to similar module - maybe ?