CSRA RESA TAPP Approved by the Professional Standards Commission Specifically designed for individuals who meet certain criteria Partnership between CSRA Regional Educational Service Agency and our member public school systems NOT alternative certification, but rather a different PROCESS All of the content and pedagogy knowledge, skills, and dispositions required in any other PSC approved certification program are included TEACHER ALTERNATIVE PREPARATION PROGRAM
CSRA RESA Member School Systems Burke CountyColumbia County Emanuel CountyGlascock County Jefferson CountyJenkins County Lincoln CountyMcDuffie County Richmond CountyTaliaferro County Warren CountyWilkes County TEACHER ALTERNATIVE PREPARATION PROGRAM CSRA RESA TAPP
Eligibility Requirements Be employed and recommended by a Georgia public school system in the CSRA RESA region in a classroom teaching position for the coming school year Bachelor’s Degree or higher from PSC-Approved Accredited Institution Minimum 2.5 GPA (cumulative overall—Bachelor’s only) OR acceptance into a graduate program OR degree received over 10 years ago College major that matches the content area you wish to teach OR passing scores on the GACE Content Assessment(s) for the content area(s) you wish to teach OR transcript evaluation by CSRA RESA to provide evidence of content knowledge in the content area you wish to teach. TEACHER ALTERNATIVE PREPARATION PROGRAM
CSRA RESA TAPP Eligibility Requirements cont’d Have passing score on GACE Basic Skills Assessment or meet exemption requirements with another test (Praxis I, SAT, ACT or GRE) Have not held prior teaching certification or completed a teacher education program Satisfactorily complete a Georgia Criminal Background Check (GCIC) TEACHER ALTERNATIVE PREPARATION PROGRAM
CSRA RESA TAPP CSRA RESA Teacher Certification Options 1.Early Childhood Education (PreK – 5) 2.Middle Grades Education (4-8) Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies and Reading 3.Secondary Education (6-12) Math, Science, English and History 4.P-12/6-12 Fine Arts & Electives PE/Health, Art, Music, Foreign Language, Business Education and Technology Education. TEACHER ALTERNATIVE PREPARATION PROGRAM
CSRA RESA TAPP Attend CSRA RESA’s TAPP initial 80-hour training course during July. Attend additional training seminars and complete coursework during the two year internship. Tuition of $2100 (includes all coursework, books, observation costs, etc.) State funding currently covers $600 of the tuition for each candidate. $1,500 due on or before the first day of class. Less expensive than ONE semester in a college!! TEACHER ALTERNATIVE PREPARATION PROGRAM
CSRA RESA TAPP Candidates are assigned a support team Administrator Mentor System TAPP Coordinator RESA TAPP Coordinator Support team members observe, model, instruct, advise, critique, and help develop action plans for the candidate. TEACHER ALTERNATIVE PREPARATION PROGRAM
CSRA RESA TAPP Transcript analysis determines individual requirements each candidate must complete. Coursework is a combination of face-to-face seminars, online courses, and computer-based courses. If not passed prior to entering TAPP, candidate must take GACE content assessment(s) within the first semester of the program. TEACHER ALTERNATIVE PREPARATION PROGRAM
CSRA RESA TAPP Candidates complete a professional portfolio based on competencies found in “Frameworks for Teaching” by Charlotte Danielson. Portfolio submitted in February/March of candidate’s second year. Upon successful completion of all requirements, candidates are recommended for clear, renewable certification. TEACHER ALTERNATIVE PREPARATION PROGRAM
CSRA RESA TAPP Seminar Topics: Pedagogy/Methods – How to teach your content at your grade level Best Practices – Research-based strategies for engaging students in the learning process Educator Ethics – How NOT to lose your job Differentiation – Varying teaching methods and tasks for individual needs based on learning styles, interests and/or ability levels. TEACHER ALTERNATIVE PREPARATION PROGRAM
CSRA RESA TAPP Seminar Topics: Multiculturalism – How culture affects a student’s education At-Risk/Poverty – Strategies for helping students in these situations Classroom Management – How to develop and maintain an effective learning environment Assessment – How to determine if students are meeting the learning goals and what to do if they are not TEACHER ALTERNATIVE PREPARATION PROGRAM
CSRA RESA TAPP Special Georgia Requirements: The Exceptional Child – Introduction to meeting the needs of Special Ed and Gifted students Computer Competency – Course or test to show basic knowledge of computer use in the classroom (In-Tech) TEACHER ALTERNATIVE PREPARATION PROGRAM
CSRA RESA TAPP For more information contact: Karen Murdock or Esther Wells ext.119 TEACHER ALTERNATIVE PREPARATION PROGRAM