Procedures and regulations Contents How courses are assessed Examinations Coursework Qualifying for the second year B.Eng/M.Eng Mitigations
Assessment (general) Pass mark is 40% Gain credits for modules that you pass Many modules are 20 credit linked pairs: EE1A1 & EE1A2 Digital & micros EE1B1 & EE1B2 Circuits, devices & fields EE1E1 & EE1E2 C Programming
B.Eng/M.Eng u Each year is 120 credits u B.Eng. = 360 credits in 3 years u M.Eng. = 480 credits in 4 years u Decision at end of 2 nd year about progress to M.Eng u To qualify for M.Eng you need:- Pass in 220 credits Overall mark of 60% u More later
Assessment u Most courses are a combination of coursework and exam u A few are exam only (EE1D) u Some are coursework only and no exam (EE1H1) u Some involve coursework and a classtest (EE1F1,EE1E) u The final module mark is a weighted combination of separate component marks u Generally to pass a module, you will need to have done will in both coursework and exam u Not submitting coursework on time is a sure way to fail a module and ultimately fail your degree!
Coursework u Coursework is a critical part of many modules accounting for a significant percentage of the module mark u You must hand in your coursework on time u Details of submission deadlines for each course will be published in the first week u Penalties for late submission are severe u 5% per day late!!
Submission of coursework u You must staple a completed receipt form to the front of your work when you submit your coursework u You keep the top copy to prove you have handed in your work on time u You normally hand in your work at the reception desk unless otherwise specified
Extensions to deadlines u If you are unable to meet a deadline, you must fill in a request for extension form u If possible before the deadline u The mitigations committee considers each request u Your request must be backed up by documentary evidence (eg doctors notes)
Mitigations u Mitigating circumstances are special circumstances which interfere with your studies and which may affect your performance u Illness u Family/personal problems u You must make these known to either your personal tutor or the welfare tutor (Dr. Childs) as soon as you know about them
Qualifying for the second year To pass into the second year you need a total of 100 credits (out of 120) u Plus you need an overall mark (credit weighted) of at least 40%
B.Eng/M.Eng u A B.Eng is 3 years, and M.Eng is 4 years u The assessments of each are as follows : Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 B.Eng0%25%75% M.Eng0%20%40%
M.Eng u As current regulations stand, to qualify for M.Eng, you need an average second year mark of >60% u Also you need 220 credits