University of Greenwich BSc (Hons) in Computing Student ID Number ( 9 digits ) 000XXXXXX Computer ID Log-in / Portal Log Lin ct0342x (computer ID ) nxlz123 ( computer password )
A6691 ABRS Admin Web ** no password is required ** m
§You can access many course related materials from A6691 ABRS admin web like..updated schedule, forms, notice, announcement, past coursework, project information.. etc
UGW coursework upload procedure Go to https//cms1.gre/ac/uk/collab orativeprogrammes/students
§Enter following log in password first username: abrs password: CourseNotes!
then choose correct program
then click “Student home or COURSEWORK SUBMISSOIN SYSTEM”
Now you can enter your OWN Portal log in
Click “Submit” after enter your portal log in and password
The choose correct term and correct module link for upload
You will need to agree some condition (pls tick if you agree.. )
You may also read the coursework upload guideline / Q & A session first
Should you have further queries please contact your program administrator ******* Thank you !! *******