Distribution of Performance- based Funding to CASS 2008 ANU COLLEGE OF ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES
Types of Funding distributed on performance Government Coursework Funding: Commonwealth Grant Scheme (CGS) Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) Fee-paying courses: International Student Fees (ISF) Domestic Tuition Fees (DTF) Research returns: Research Infrastructure Block Grant (RIBG) Institutional Grants Scheme (IGS) Research Training Scheme (RTS) Not distributed by performance-based formulae Special Research Funds School of Music and School of Art special funds VC’s Discretionary
Government Coursework Funding Government Coursework funding for undergraduate and specific Masters by Coursework – Commonwealth Grant Scheme ( CGS) & Higher Education Contribution Scheme ( HECS)
Government Coursework Funding Government Coursework funding is distributed on the basis of the target number of EFTSL 48 units = 1 EFTSL = one year full time 6 units = EFTSL = one course To determine the funding received per student in an undergraduate course worth 6 units – multiply the CGS & HECS amount by 0.125
Government Coursework Funding This is the total funding received by the Budget Unit for teaching and is to cover all expenses including electricity, cleaning, purchase of new computers and photocopiers, access to web, phone, paper, academic and general staff salaries, etc.
Government Coursework Funding Commonwealth Grant Scheme - CGS - distributed to CASS 2008 Cluster Old/New$ per EFTSL$ per student in 6 unit course = EFTSL 03/02 Includes Humanities2, /03 Includes Mathematics, Statistics4, /03 Includes Behavioural Science, Social Studies 4, /04 Includes Foreign Lang, Visual and Performing Arts 4, /06 Includes Engineering, Science, Surveying 7, /03 Education4,
HECS distributed to CASS 2008 Enrolled at ANU before 2007 Enrolled at ANU 2007 and after Cluster Old/New$ per EFTSL $ per student in 6 unit course = EFTSL $ per EFTSL $ per student in 6 unit course = EFTSL 03/02 Includes Humanities3, , /03 Includes Mathematics, Statistics 4, , /03 Includes Behavioural Science, Social Studies , /04 Includes Foreign Lang, Visual and Performing Arts , /06 Includes Engineering, Science, Surveying 4, , /03 Education ,
CGS + HECS distributed to CASS 2008 for students who commenced at ANU prior to 2007 and in 2007 or 2008 Cluster Old/New$ per student in 6 unit course >2007 $ per student in 6 unit course 2007 & /02 Includes Humanities /03 Includes Mathematics, Statistics1, , /03 Includes Behavioural Science, Social Studies , /04 Includes Foreign Lang, Visual and Performing Arts 1, , /06 Includes Engineering, Science, Surveying 1, , /03 Education938.85
Fee-paying courses Distribution of Fees paid direct to ANU for courses These can be from international students paying for any course or from domestic students paying for a Master by Coursework or for non-award courses.
Distribution of International Student Fees (ISF) ISF$ per EFTSL Gross Fees:$20,400Fee depends on when student first enrolled in program LessCapital:($3,060)Capital Deduction -15% of the gross tuition fee Overheads:($4,931) central overheads are deducted at a rate of $4,931 per EFTSL Net Fee for 1 EFTSL:$12,409distributed to teaching area (School). If a 6 unit (0.125 EFTSL) course: $1,554.85distributed to teaching area (School).
Distribution of Domestic Tuition Fee (DTF) DTF$ per EFTSL Gross Fees:$14,400Fee depends on when student first enrolled in program LessOverheads:($4,931) central overheads are deducted at a rate of $4,931 per EFTSL Subtotal$9,469 LessCASS($3,866)College Deduction -20% of the tuition fee after Overheads deducted Net Fee for 1 EFTSL:$5,603distributed to teaching area (School). If a 6 unit (0.125 EFTSL) course:$702.03distributed to teaching area (School).
Research returns Return on Research Activities RIBG IGS RTS
Research returns Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC) Annual Return $ Publications HDR $ reported from the finance data details cash received for research – Competitive Schemes and Non-competitive Publications reported from Aries HDR from statistical data reported by ANU on student numbers
Research Infrastructure Block Grant (RIBG ) Internal ANU distribution of RIBG RIBG is paid on the average earnings from Australian Competitive Grants as reported in Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC) in 2005/2006. RIBG was distributed at a rate of $ per $1 in 2008
Institutional Grants Scheme (IGS ) Internal ANU distribution of IGS IGS is paid on: (60%) the average earnings for all research income as reported in HERDC in 2005/2006. Distributed at a rate of $ per $1 in 2008 (10%) The average of research publications (converted to points – book = 5, journal article = 1) as reported in 2005/2006. Distributed at a rate of $ per point in 2008 (30%) 2006 Australian research higher degree students, weighted for high cost/low cost. Distributed at $1, per low cost student in 2008
Research Training Scheme (RTS) Internal ANU distribution of RTS RTS students are higher degree research students in their first 2 years of an MPhil or first 4 years of a PhD Once the students have gone beyond 2 (MPhil) or 4 (PhD) years there is no funding given for them. 2008 Distribution, done on target load, was given to areas at the rate of: High Cost (Archaeology) - $32,243 per EFTSL Low Cost - $20,007 per EFTSL
Special Funding The University also distributes special funding which are not defined directly by performance: Special Research Funds Special additional funding supplied by Federal Government for School of Music & School of Art. Other Funds distributed at VC’s discretion in support of the ANU’s strategic plan.
Funds Distribution in CASS Each Budget Unit is different. Faculty of Arts is moving to performance-based distribution for The process is being discussed by the Director and Heads of Schools/Centres Questions?