Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) N.M. McIvor, Deputy Principal
What is CIE? ● The world’s largest provider of international qualifications for secondary school students ● Recognised globally as equivalent to UK qualifications (Now available in UK state schools) ● A department of the University of Cambridge and an examining body since 1862
Where is CIE? (The ‘green’ countries) The worlds largest provider of International Qualifications Over 9,000 centres in 164 countries (incl. UK) Over 2 million entries per year
CIE in New Zealand ● From started in Auckland - advanced by the ACSNZ Over 50 New Zealand schools 10,000+ New Zealand students in 2012
CIE at Avondale College : The Dual Pathway NCEA or CIE Year 11 NCEA Level 1 (5) IGCSE (4 or 5) (Form 5) Year 12 NCEA Level 2 (5) AS Level (4 or 5) (Form 6) Year 13 NCEA Level 3 (5) A2 Level (3 or 4) (Form 7) (Approximate NZ Scholarship/Yr.1 university parity)
How does a student move along the CIE pathway at Avondale College? Year 10IGCSE Mathematics (Junior acceleration) Year 11 5 IGCSE (The norm) or 4 IGCSE _________________________________________________________ Year 124 AS Level + 1 IGCSE (The norm) or 5 AS Level Year 13 3 A2s + 1AS (The norm) or 4 A2s Note: 1 A Level = AS + A2 in a single subject (Students finish with 3 or 4 A Levels overall)
What have CIE students achieved at Avondale College ? IGCSE 81% - 86% at A* - C Grade with 38% - 43% of all results at A*- A Grade AS Level 77% - 87% at A - D Grade with 20% - 26% of all results at A Grade A level 79% at A*- D Grade with 26% of all results at A* - A Grade
What does CIE offer? ● Extension and internationally - valued qualifications ● Quality syllabuses to learn – not just examinations ● Options for coursework and individual research ● Opportunities to localise learning ● A pathway into NZQA Scholarship success with AS or A Level
How does CIE operate? ● Examinations in October (AS resits in June) ● Separate exam papers for separate syllabus components (eg. IGCSE Chemistry is 3 papers) ● Practical examinations in the AS sciences ● Results are provided as grade and percentage UK moderation of coursework marking
What can students gain from each syllabus? Students build: Knowledge Learning skills Critical thinking Creativity Problem solving Cambridge students become independent learners
How is each syllabus structured? Each syllabus has clear: ● Aims that state the educational purpose of the syllabus; ● Assessments objectives that state what will be tested from each course component; ● Curriculum content that gives details about what candidates should know and be able to do in each syllabus component.
How does a student start CIE? (IGCSE) ● IGCSE is designed for students in Year 11 ● It is ideal preparation for AS/A2 Level ● Subjects available from: Science, Arts, Humanities, English, Mathematics, Languages, Business and Technical ● Grades available: Extended- A*, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, U Core- C, D, E, F, G, U
What IGCSE courses does Avondale College have in 2012? Accounting, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Applied ICT, English Literature, Geography, Graphics, History, Mathematics, Physical Education, Physics Other IGCSE syllabuses may be added in 2013
What follows IGCSE? (AS and A2) ● Designed for students in Years 12 & 13 ● Subject course = approximately 160 hours per year ● AS +A2 = a full A Level ● An international University Entrance qualification recognised and valued throughout the world ● Grades available: A*, A, B, C, D, E, U
What are the Avondale College AS/A2 Courses? English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, History, Geography, Accounting, Business Studies, Applied ICT, Physical Education Other AS and A2 courses may be added in 2013
How can CIE be used for University Entrance (UE) in New Zealand? UE = At least 3 AS Levels – with D Grade minimum (Equivalent to NCEA Level 3) + Literacy Standard Grade E in AS English (Equivalent to NCEA Level 2 Literacy) + Numeracy Standard Grade D in IGCSE Mathematics (Equivalent to NCEA Level 1 Numeracy)
University Restricted Entry and Rank Scoring The University of Auckland A rank score will be calculated. At AS level, 60 points are awarded for A, 50 points for B, 40 points for C, 30 points for D and 20 points for E. An A level counts as two subject units, therefore 120 points are awarded for A, 100 points for B, 80 points for C, 60 points for D and 40 points for E. The maximum rank score is 360 (Required totals range from 130 rank score [BA] to 280 rank score [BE Hons]) Subjects are usually needed from the tables of ‘approved’ subjects Table A: Classical Studies, English, Geography, History, History of Art Table B: Accounting, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics, Physics Another subject can be used in conjunction with two ‘approved’ for entry until 2015
How can CIE be used for University Entrance overseas? ● Accepted subject for subject and grade for grade in lieu of UK AS and A Levels for admission to all the world’s major English speaking Universities → A Level grade combinations: AAA, AAB, (e.g. Ivy League and Oxford/Cambridge) or ABB, BBB,…for others ● University course credit and advanced standing is often available in countries such as the US and Canada (e.g. one full year of credit) Consult the CIE recognition website and individual university websites for entrance information
What performance feedback do CIE candidates receive? ● Practice assessment/examination results and teacher guidance ● Coursework checkpoints ● Forecast grades in Term Three ● Final results online in late January 2013 (Statement of Results) Certificates are issued in March 2013
Further Points ● Examination fees (£) ● Assessment support (e.g. special assessment, special consideration, etc.) ● Future curriculum/assessment possibilities: - Thinking Skills AS/A Level - Global Studies AS/A Level - The Pre-U Diploma ● Organisation and commitment are essential for CIE success
● To find out more: - and links - Recommended reading lists - GCSE and A Level material outside CIE - School staff- Subject Directors/Heads of Department/Teachers ● CIE: A worthy challenge!