Center for Microarray Technology Combined Bachelor's Master's Degree Program
Center for Microarray Technology Why consider a graduate degree? Better preparation Beyond entry-level position Faster track to promotion Higher salary Explore a topic in-depth Contribute to scientific knowledge Do something not done before
Center for Microarray Technology Tired of School? Grad study is very different from undergrad –MS work is more project-oriented –Research is a key component of Ph.D. Less time on classes, more like a job By the 3 rd yr, most students are full time on research Grad school is easier now than later –Family and financial obligations may keep you from returning –Continuing school now starts your real career sooner Grad School is an exhilarating experience –Focus on subject you love –Close interaction with top faculty and students
Center for Microarray Technology Can I afford Grad School? Get Paid to go to School –Ph.D. students (some MS students) –RA, TA, or Fellowship –Tuition, fees and a monthly stipend $24,400 + $1,700/mo. + health insurance = $49,500/yr. Federal Loans –US Graduate students are considered independent –Eligible for federal loans without including parents income
Center for Microarray Technology M.E. or M.S. or PhD? More options with an MS than a BS 1.5 to 2 years beyond BS Many more options with a Ph.D. 4 to 6 years beyond BS Can see how MS goes before committing to Ph.D. (funding implications) Most engineers should plan on an MS degree Decide based on your own interests and abilities –Do you enjoy solving a problem and then moving on to a different challenge? (MS might be right.) –Do you enjoy solving a problem and find that as you do so, it raises more questions you want to answer? (Ph.D.) –Is it important to you to have independence? (Ph.D.)
Center for Microarray Technology Getting into Grad School GPA GRE Undergraduate research experience Internship experiences Writing/speaking ability Vision for your future Apply to programs that match your academic level
Center for Microarray Technology Purpose of Combined Degree Program Attract qualified students into graduate program Facilitate completion of Master’s degree –Streamlined admission –Programmatic flexibility –Advising –Link between senior project and Master’s thesis
Center for Microarray Technology Admission process End of Junior year (96+ credit hours) Enrolled in 3910 or equivalent cumulative GPA > 3.3 At least 24 resident credit hours Support letter (BS+MS only) Consultation with Director
Center for Microarray Technology What next? Complete ALL undergraduate requirements Complete ALL graduate requirements Do the above in any order! Develop program of study Form supervisory committee (MS)
Center for Microarray Technology Mid-program review After 1 year or 128 total credit hours Maintain good grades Submit program of study Plan to complete undergrad requirements within 1 more year Admission to Graduate School
Center for Microarray Technology Completion Finish undergrad requirements within 1 year Comprehensive exam (MS) Thesis defense (MS) Finish grad requirements Get both degrees!
Center for Microarray Technology Master of Engineering (ME) Also called MS (Non-thesis) 30+2 coursework hours –ECE 5000 or higher –1+1 hours graduate seminar –18 or more hours at ECE 6000 or higher –Can transfer up to 6 hours –Normally takes 3-4 semesters to complete No thesis
Center for Microarray Technology Master of Science (MS) [24]+2 coursework hours –ECE 5000 or higher –1+1 hours graduate seminar –9 or more hours at ECE 6000 or higher –Normally takes 4 semesters to complete [6-10] hours of thesis research –Thesis committee –Comprehensive exam –Thesis defense
Center for Microarray Technology Typical timeline Junior Fall Enroll in 3900 Senior Fall Enroll in 4900 U (+ G) coursework Develop program of study Supervisory committee (MS) Grad Fall Enroll in 6900 (U +) G coursework Comprehensive exam (MS) Junior Spring Enroll in 3910 Choose advisor (MS) Apply Senior Spring Enroll in 4910 U (+ G) coursework Submit program of study Apply for graudate status Grad Spring Enroll in 6910 (U +) G coursework Complete BS coursework Thesis defense
Center for Microarray Technology ECE Graduate Program Degrees Offered –Combined Bachelor/Master –Master of Engineering (ME) –Master of Science (MS) –Electrical Engineer (EE) – phased out… –Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Research Areas –Communications + Networking - Chen, Shamir, Patwari, Farhang –Computer Engineering - Kalla, Myers, Stevens –Electromagnetics - Gandhi, Grow, Furse –Microscale Systems + Devices - Mascaro, Miller, Solzbacher, Stringfellow –Photonics - Blair, Christensen, Nahata –Signal Processing + Controls - Bodson, Farhang-Boroujeny, Mathews –VLSI - Brown, Harrison, Stevens
Center for Microarray Technology Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Information 20 regular faculty members 12 research faculty 4 adjunct faculty Current graduate enrollment Degree BS/ME/MS MEMSEEPhD Students14/
Center for Microarray Technology Department Research Funding
Center for Microarray Technology Faculty research S. Blair - photonic microsystems, nanophotonics, biosensor systems M. Bodson - control systems R. R. Chen - communications theory D. Christensen - biomedical applications of optics, ultrasound B. Farhang - signal processing C. Furse - microwave systems, wireless comms O. Gandhi - microwaves, antennas, biomedical applications
Center for Microarray Technology Faculty research R. Grow - vacuum electronics, quantum electronics R. Harrison - analog VLSI, bioelectronics P. Kalla - logic verification, computer eng. Debra Mascaro - organic devices V. J. Mathews - signal processing M. Miller - molecular electronics, semiconductor devices C. Myers - asynchronous logic, CAD synthesis
Center for Microarray Technology Faculty research A. Nahata - ultrafast optics, nanophotonics A. Rasmussen - MEMs G. Shamir - communications, source coding F. Solzbacher - MEMs K. Stevens - VLSI G. Stringfellow - semiconductors