1 The Path to the Ph.D. in IS: Part 3, Advanced coursework and dissertation research
3 Courses for the Ph.D. Minimum degree program is 60 credits of graduate coursework and 30 credits of dissertation research (up to 6 of these may be pre doctoral). Take the courses mostly during first two years; a few advanced courses are taken while working on SOTA and Dissertation proposal; those entering with masters will have many waived/ credited.
4 “At least five 700 level courses” among your 12 specialized courses There are a few “regular” 700- level courses (e.g., 732, 735, 763, 767) given either once a year or once every other year You could take one independent study for SOTA; and/or 788 A maximum of two independent studies is allowed; this includes SOTA 776 USUALLY: should take one or two “Special topics” courses. These change every semester and are research seminars.
5 Full time certification While working on a dissertation proposal or research, you may be certified as full time with as little as 3 credits. Space your dissertation registrations so you will not end up paying for more than 30 credits total. You must be registered every fall and spring and in the semesters in which you defend and deposit.
6 FORMS TO BE FILLED OUT FOR GRADUATE STUDIES These forms should be obtained by the student from graduate studies web site, filled out in consultation with the advisor; need to be signed and turned in by the Ph.D. director 1.Transfer credit request form (individual courses not part of a masters) 2. Exam for for the qualifiers (director does this) 3. Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Appointment report ( due before proposal is defended) 4. SOTA- exam report is filled in after report from committee of 3 or more-
7 FORMS TO BE FILLED OUT FOR GRADUATE STUDIES 5. Proposal Defense 6. Dissertation Defense Report 8. “document receipt and acceptance form” (when you turn in the dissertation) Others: Course repetition approval form; Graduate studies discontinuance approval form (to get a leave of absence) NOTIFICATION TO GRADUATE DEAN BY ADVISOR OR PROGRAM DIRECTOR: If a request is being made to consider a student “full time” with less than 12 credits; usually only granted after the qualifying exam.
8 Forms to be filled out for IS dept Each semester: an updated course planning form, to your advisor and the ph.d. director, and to dept secretary to update your master file. Dept. Secretary may also be asking you to update other information periodically. These forms are the major basis for “certification” at the time of graduation, and if we do not have them up to date, your graduation could be held up.
9 Presenting the Dissertation Proposal Your primary advisor should approve a draft before it is circulated to the whole committee. But, specific draft chapters relating to a committee member’s expertise may be submitted to them first or simultaneously for comment, if your advisor agrees. Allow faculty members 4 WEEKS to comment on a draft proposal, (SOTA or dissertation).
10 The Dissertation Proposal Includes chapters on: 1. Introduction and overview. (like the introduction to a journal article; includes motivation, importance, key research questions, information on organization of the rest of the dissertation or proposal). 2. Shortened, focused, updated lit review, might be 2 chapters; leads to 3. Theoretical framework, Research questions and hypotheses. Each of these must be explained and justified based on the lit review. 4. Methods: software to be created, research methods/ study design in detail ( with appendix of complete instruments, IRB approvals)
11 (The proposal includes..) 5. Completed work that demonstrates feasibility (pilot studies; prototypes) 6. Detailed schedule/ plan for completion of work The above, somewhat expanded and updated and without (5 or 6), also form the beginning and middle of the dissertation; you just add results chapters and then summary, discussion etc chapter. NOTE: primary advisor receives all drafts and approves distribution to other committee members Note 2: Always label cover with version and date; always highlight or use track changes since prior draft. Always number your pages.
12 Presenting the Dissertation Proposal Strongly recommended but not required: A “practice” or first presentation of the working draft or plan, to the IS Ph.D. seminar, before completing the proposal. Required: Formal Presentation/defense of the proposal, announced one month ahead (public) At this defense, the “outside examiner” might comment remotely. Also strongly recommended: sit in on several other students’ proposal and dissertation defenses, before yours.
13 Scheduling the defense(s) You need to reserve a potential defense date about 2 months ahead; the student should first consult the main advisor for possible dates, then other committee members. Schedule two hours; it may take only 1.5 but you may need two for discussion. Final Draft must go to committee at least 4 weeks ahead Candidate: get everybody’s cell phone numbers ahead of time. Give the committee your number to call.
14 Day of the defense 1. Have a friend or two help you with setting up and providing refreshments and equipment and any other logistics 2. Arrive at least an hour early. You have to set up and test all equipment including any speaker phone arrangements
15 Presenting the Dissertation Proposal The proposal is formally presented and “defended.” The length of this presentation is one hour; this means no more than 30 Powerpoint slides! Only the committee members may interrupt with questions during the presentation Then committee members ask questions Then other audience asks questions. Then the committee privately deliberates
16 Defending the Proposal, cont. Then the candidate is called back in and comments and verdict given; RECORD THIS, and also have a friend taking notes during the whole process on what people say. Advisor collects all detailed notes and follows up with an summary of any requested or required changes. If major changes: there must be a ‘re-defense’ and whole committee must approve. The most usual result is “minor revisions,” which are approved by the primary advisor.
17 Results of proposal defense An official form must be completed giving the results of the dissertation proposal “exam.” An accepted proposal becomes your “contract” for the dissertation. Any changes in plans must be approved by the primary advisor, and if major, by the entire committee.