Comp & Info Tech Teachers’ Seminar Review on 2007 Exam
2 Candidature Module % change A 3,724 4,170-11% B % C % D 13,14213,352-2% Total 18,18118,882-4%
3 Offers of Modules No. of modules No. of schools (2007) No. of schools (2006) Total:
4 Mark Adjustments Correlation: P1A/P1B vs P2s Mean marks of modules P1A: A > C > B, D P1B: A > C > B, D P2: C > A > B, D Adjust P2 (Module A ) (Regression method) Adjust P3 vs P1A
5 Administration Reminders Fill in CE exam application form with correct module names and double-check the return slip Enter marks through online SBA system Submit coursework samples module) One in TOP 3 One in MIDDLE 3 One in BOTTOM 3 Similar practice in 2008 exam
6 SBA – Coursework Conduct of SBA Curriculum contents vs coursework Students’ abilities Time management Coursework Mark Allocation (1) Objective & Analysis20 (2) Design & Implementation35 (3) Testing & Evaluation10 (4) Conclusion & Discussion10 (5) Documentation10 (6) Creativity & Process Behaviour15
7 SBA – Feedback to Schools School visits to schools (new) Based on the observation of 3 samples by project assessors e.g. “a little bit lenient”, “good report writing was observed”, “good student work & marking by teachers”, “more teacher guidance can be provided”.
8 Notes to teachers Better Communication Use valid addresses entered in the Online School-based Assessment System CE Exam Application Continue to be alert wrong selection of modules and double-check the return slip
9 Implementation of Marking Assessment Worksheet Modified from the two samples provided by HKEAA Standardization Select samples from different teachers/classes Discuss the standards Set the assessment criteria Revisit the curriculum aims & contents Curriculum & Assessment Guide
Exam Coursework titles/Guide to Coursework Assessment HKEAA ( Letters to schoolhttp:// SBA Subject Info CE CIT What’s New HKEdCity 中學電腦科園地 ( iworld/index.phtml?iworld_id=148) iworld/index.phtml?iworld_id=148 E-learning platform ( Submission Date (SBA): End of Feb Exam Date: 21 April (Mon)
11 Visit for Computer Teachers Lai King Assessment Centre (Onscreen Marking Centre) 3-min walk from Lai King MTR An intranet of 1000 PCs (up to 2000) State-of-art onscreen marking software Comfortable environment Preliminary date: 10, 15, 16 August (2 hrs) Application (late July)