BSc Information Technology Management for Business Professor Nikolay Mehandjiev Programme Director Dr Ali Owrak, ITMB Employability and Industrial Experience Coordinator Ms Rashida Timol, Undergraduate Services
Welcome Back!
Some of you are closer to this than the others...
The Basics
Student Charter Available from Our Learning Experience Our Learning Experience Personal and academic development Communicating and interacting with each other Respecting and valuing each other Being part of our community M
Timetable Your timetable will be different each week. You are responsible for checking your personal timetable on the Student System and making sure that you are in the right place at the right time. M
Where to find information My Manchester Student System (Campus Solutions) Online Undergraduate Handbook Blackboard M
Role of Blackboard All courses have a space in the Virtual Learning Environment (Blackboard) You must frequently consult the Blackboard space for all of your courses The resources on Blackboard are not a substitute for attending teaching sessions.
Reminders Register by the end of September or there will be a fine! Choose your courses by 3 October 2014 – this includes semester 2 courses as well! Move to a timetabled seminar/workshop if you are in a holding class (SEM0 or WSP0) Pre-requisites must be passed at 40% or more (not by a compensated fail) Request programme changes as soon as possible via The Undergraduate Office, D20 Meet with Academic Advisor if you need to. M
Communication from Undergraduate Services e-Bulletin every fortnight emails Facebook Twitter Texts Online Undergraduate Student Handbook Blackboard Notice boards Plasma screens M
Options in Year 2 and 3 Information about course choices and programme structures is available in the online undergraduate handbook You are responsible for ensuring that you have the necessary pre-requisites and co-requisites for the courses you want to take Options talks will be held towards the end of semester 2
Assessment and Progression
Assessment: What to Expect Semester 1 exams take place in January Semester 2 exams take place in May/June Some courses are assessed by exam only, some by coursework and exams and some by coursework only. It is your responsibility to check your coursework deadlines and your exam dates, times and venues.
Degree Weightings First year – need to pass to proceed to second year Marks do not count towards degree classification, but do appear on a transcript of marks. Marks may be important when applying for internships/work experience ITMB without IE Level 2 = 33% Level 3 = 67% ITMB with IE Level 2 = 30% Industrial Experience = 10% Level 3 = 60%
Prizes There are several prizes for high achieving students at the end of each year. Recognition of achievement Useful for your CV
Attendance and Engagement You are expected to attend all scheduled teaching session (lectures, seminars, labs, workshops etc) You are expected to engage in all scheduled teaching session (lectures, seminars, labs, workshops etc) You are expected to avoid any behaviour that would interfere with the learning and engagement of others. Seminar attendance will be monitored, and spot checks may be conducted in lectures.
Feedback Feedback is developmental and should enable you to enhance your knowledge and understanding, personal qualities and intellectual, transferable and practical skills. Informal advice and discussion during a lecture, seminar, workshop or lab. Online exercises and quizzes delivered through the course Blackboard space Responses to your emails and questions from a member of staff, including feedback provided to a group via an online discussion forum Specific course related feedback sessions Written and/or verbal comments on assessed or non assessed coursework Written and/or verbal comments after you have given a group or individual presentation Generic feedback posted on Blackboard regarding overall examination performance Group and individual discussions/meetings with your Academic Advisor Discussions and meetings with your Programme Director
Feedback Academic staff aim to provide feedback which is: Prompt Individual Constructive Related to progression Related to the learning outcomes of the course unit
Office hours Office hours are times when academic staff are available to meet students Academic staff should display their office hours on their door.
And finally…
Student Representatives Student representatives are the voice of the students on MBS committees Staff-student liaison Committee ITMB Programme Committee Student Rep Focus Groups Nomination forms for First and Final Year Reps are available from D20 Deadline 3 October Meet current reps at the Student Fair
Contacts for the ITMB Programme Undergraduate Office (D20 MBS East) Email: Assessment and Student Support Centre (D14 MBS East) Email: Professor Nikolay Mehandjiev, Programme Director (3.24 MBS West) Email:
Good luck for the forthcoming year(s)
Any questions?