A Proposal for Certification of Librarians as Partners in Systematic Reviews Pamela C. Sieving¹, Kay Dickersin², Roberta Scherer 2, & Ann-Margaret Ervin 2 ¹National Institutes of Health, Bethesda USA ²US Cochrane Center, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore USA Objectives: To present rationale for and development of a program to certify librarians as knowledgeable, skilled partners in preparation of systematic reviews (SRs) Identification of relevant studies to include in an SR is arguably the most important aspect of a high quality SR This accords a major responsibility to librarians Certification of expertise enhances credibility and visibility Methods: We describe a set of core competencies for SR certification, and a proposed course of study to achieve these competencies Preparation of an SR requires knowledge of the history and principles of evidence-based medicine; conduct of systematic reviews; and critical reading and appraisal skills Unique skills contributed by libraries include database selection and expert searching, including: Use of validated search strategies Knowledge of reporting biases and ways to address that Knowledge of grey literature and resources beyond those typically searched to answer clinical questions Project management skills Bibliographic file management expertise Access to professional networks and continuing education Results: Resources with which to master the core competencies and continually update skills and knowledge bases are increasingly available, and in formats accessible globally IOM Standards for Systematic Reviews (2011) 3.1.1: Work with a librarian or other information specialist trained in performing systematic reviews to plan the search strategy Finding What Works in Health Care: Standards for Systematic Reviews Reviews/Standards.aspx Additional contributors and collaborators welcome; contact The Road Ahead: Creation and approval of policy statement on the librarian’s role in systematic reviews. Similar policies exist in the areas of: Consumer Health Information and Patient Education (1996; updated 2011) Patient Safety (2009) Telemedicine (nd) Approval of preparation program proposal and text of certification document Identification of core competencies and appropriate MLA and non-MLA coursework and learning experiences toward those competencies Sample MLA Coursework: Becoming an expert searcher (4/8 hours) EBM: introduction to study design and critical appraisal (4 hours) Evidence based medicine: the essentials (4 hours) Finding evidence-based results in PubMed (1 hour) Introduction to Systematic Reviews for Librarians (4 hours) Leveraging librarians’ skills in searching and critical appraisal for systematic reviews (4 hours) Short course in statistical literacy for medical librarians: swimming in a sea of conflicting medical claims (4 hours) Supporting systematic reviews: the basics (4 hours) Supporting systematic reviews: beyond the basics (6 hours) Systematic review workshop: the nuts and bolts for librarians (20 hours) Systematic reviews: the role of the librarian (6 hours) Resources beyond MLA: The Cochrane Collaboration Understanding Evidence-based Health Care: A Foundation for Action Online; 6 hours Translating Critical Appraisal of a Manuscript into Meaningful Peer Review Online; 10 lectures Workshop on Developing a Cochrane Systematic Review On site; 20 hours 2013 MLA One Health: Information in an Interdependent World Core Competencies: [draft] Expert searching skills Common and less-frequently-used bibliographic databases Content; search functions; indexing Sources for grey literature Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials Knowledge of evidence-based medicine/practice principles The evidence pyramid Study designs Commonly used statistics for data analysis Knowledge of systematic review process and reporting requirements Study design Protocol development and registration Literature searches Screening retrieved citations Data extraction and analysis PRISMA Skills in using and teaching use of bibliographic file management systems Setting up libraries Modifying data fields Transferring records from databases, other files Deduplication and other clean-up procedures Preparation of manuscripts and bibliographies Additional knowledge and skill sets needed: Please leave your ideas, using the Post-It notes!!! Loyola Health Sciences Library PRISMA: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews & Meta-Analyses And there are more…