Admission Admission into NC State’s College Credit Plus program will require the student to demonstrate college readiness in reading comprehension. This equates roughly to an 11 th grade reading level. ACT Reading: 18 or above ACT COMPASS Reading: 80 or above
Admission – further explanation At NC State, a student who scores between on ACT Reading or on COMPASS Reading is placed into developmental reading. Note an ACT Reading score of 14 equates roughly to a 7 th grade reading level. CCP students DO NOT have the opportunity to take developmental reading. Consequently, admission has been set at the higher cut-off score.
Placement or Prerequisites While any student meeting the Reading cut-off scores can be admitted to the program, certain courses may also require additional evidence of college readiness. These are assessed by ACT or COMPASS scores in Writing/English and Math. Other courses may be part of a sequence that requires completion of a prerequisite course. Sometimes the student can avoid prerequisites by higher ACT/COMPASS.
Placement Prep Prevention is the best cure. Encourage preparation. Encourage students to become familiar with the expectations of the tests, topics and format before taking them. We have a one-page primer to help. There are online preparation resources, as well as walk-in or scheduled preparation assistance on the NC State campus.
Placement – Math and English Placement scores for College Composition: ACT Writing 18 or COMPASS 69. Cut-off scores for Math and Statistics: Business Math, Variable Relationships, Tech Math I, Introduction to Statistics: ACT Math 21, COMPASS Algebra 31. College Algebra, Probability & Statistics: ACT Math 22, COMPASS Algebra 65. Tech Math II, Trigonometry: ACT Math 26, COMPASS College Algebra 46. Calculus I: ACT Math 28, COMPASS Trigonometry 46.
Placement Other popular courses with placement standards: Introduction to Chemistry: ACT Math 21, COMPASS Algebra 31 Introduction to Business: ACT Reading 18, COMPASS Reading 80 Microeconomics, Macroeconomics: ACT Math 21, COMPASS Algebra 31 Human Anatomy & Physiology I: ACT Math 21/COMPASS Algebra 31; ACT Reading 18/COMPASS Reading 80; ACT Writing 18/COMPASS 69; Chemistry pre-requisite Introductory Physics: ACT Math 21, COMPASS Algebra 31
Secondary Evidence of College Readiness Draft CCP rules state “institutions shall also review…students’ high school GPA, end-of-course examination scores, a writing assessment, previous college work, secondary teacher recommendations and other data as applicable.” NC State will not prescribe any single secondary course placement method, but will be open to suggestions from high school counselors.
Secondary Placement Advising the student/parent is key. What may be legal may not be in the best interest of the student especially given the permanent transcript record. Should NC State provide a bank of syllabi or sample textbooks to help students/parents make informed decisions?
Pathway Guides We have provided six sample “pathway” guides called Tier 1 and 2 since they don’t always add up to 15 credits: General Transfer Psychology Registered Nursing Mechanical Engineering Technology Business Administration Early Childhood Education (P-3)
Pathway Guides Pathway guides include: Transferable coursework except when noted Application to NC State degree Prerequisite or placement requirements Availability of the course at the high school (to be customized) Availability of the course via distance
Transferable Course Inventories Provided a primer and course inventory. Three transfer categories: Ohio Transfer Module (General Education, applies to any degree) Transfer Assurance Guides (Technical, applies to major area) Can be stacked together and potentially equate to around 60 credits Individual transfer agreements between NC State and universities. For example, NC State has some agreements applying three years of credit at the community college price. Also included columns for placement/prerequisite, availability at high school and via distance coursework.
Transferable Courses – Ohio Transfer Module Currently 23 courses at NC State have OTM label. Broken into five disciplines: English, Mathematics/Statistics, Arts/Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences. Students can earn up to 40 hours between the categories. While general transfer, still very important to advise to ensure proper course selection amongst disciplines.
Transferable Courses – Transfer Assurance Guides Currently 48 courses, including a dually marked with OTM. Can apply to 19 specific transfer majors. Some represent at least a semester’s worth of courses toward a major. Those with the most TAG credits have been highlighted in the sample pathways.
Distance coursework Provided an inventory of all courses offered via distance in the past year – nearly 90 courses. Most are fully online and asynchronous. Some are hybrid synchronous/asynchronous. Live meetings may be on campus or done through an online virtual classroom. Inventory includes both NC State degree application, as well as any OTM or TAG label.
Distance coursework Distance courses can be more intensive than a traditional class. In particular, they require you to have good time management, reading, writing, computer and study skills. The college generally requires students to pass a basic computer literacy assessment. Requires advising of the pros/cons of this method. Students are encouraged to take an advisory self- assessment to ensure a good fit.