1. A farmer had 17 sheep. All but 9 died. How many did he have left? 2. 2 men play draughts. They play 5 games and each man wins 5 games. There are no ties. How can this be? 3. An archaeologist claimed he found gold coins dated 46 BC. Do you think he really found the coins? 4. A woman gives a beggar 50 pence. The woman is the beggar's sister, but the beggar is not the woman's brother. How come? 5. How many animals of each species did Moses take on the ark? 6. What word is mispelled in this test? Brain Teasers
1.A farmer had 17 sheep. All but 9 died. How many did he have left? men play draughts. They play 5 games and each man wins 5 games. There are no ties. How can this be? They played other people 3. An archaeologist claimed he found gold coins dated 46 BC. Do you think he really found the coins? No, as nobody knew Jesus would be born 46 years later 4. A woman gives a beggar 50 pence. The woman is the beggar's sister, but the beggar is not the woman's brother. How come? The beggar is a woman 5. How many animals of each species did Moses take on the ark? None, Noah took them on the Ark 6. What word is mispelled in this test? Misspelled
Coping with GCSEs A guide for parents
Workload Normal homework Revision Coursework
Other Priorities Part-time job Socialising Sport Music School work
Workload Getting the balance right Need to adjust the balance at key times
Coursework What is it? Marks in the bank!
Coursework Achieving success Pupils who do well: 1.Are committed 2.Are hardworking 3.Take their work seriously 4.Are organised to meet deadlines 5.Plan their work/time 6.Complete improvement tasks
Coursework Deadlines Finding out what has been set 1.Talk to your sons and daughters 2.Look at their Planner 3.Talk to their friends 4.Look in their folders and books 5.Talk to subject teachers and tutors 6.Parents’ evening January 18 th 2012
Revision Matters – focus on three key areas 1. How parents can help 2. Revision strategies 3. Resources available
Formula for Success 1. How parents can help
Good results depend on what the student does at home Provide a suitable working environment Encourage and support
A full set of notes is essential for success Check your child has a full set of notes Dealing with absences Every Lesson Counts! Does s/he have a revision timetable? - include breaks
Encourage use of a revision checklist Checklist given by departments Identify priorities Enables students to tick off – sense of achievement
Formula for Success 2.Revision Strategies - tested out in the Mocks Monday 28 th November!
After the mock exams Post Exam Analysis Reports – 11 th January Parents’ Evening- 18 th January
Revision Strategies Self Assessment Red = ‘I find this very difficult’ Amber = ‘I’m not too bad at this but could improve my knowledge’ Green = ‘I feel confident with this’
A revision timetable enables slots to be allocated evenly
Revision Strategies Different Approaches passive learning active learning
Visual: Learns best with pictures, colours, maps & diagrams etc Auditory: Learns best by listening, speaking, chanting mnemonics/poems/raps, and singing Kinaesthetic: Learns best by using physical actions, making models, & making emotional connections Learning Styles
Use a variety of strategies to maintain motivation Talk to teachers about revision strategies e.g. Topic on a postcard Mnemonics Record info on ipod Revise with a friend Visual diagrams
Spider diagrams are useful for visual learners
Mnemonics – assisting the memory Task English Language GCSE Paper 1 – Writing to Argue, Persuade, Advise A useful tip: Remember to take a walk in ‘a forest’… A – Anecdotes F – Facts O - Opinions R – Rhetorical Questions E – Emotive Language S – Second Person Narrative T – Triples Ensure that the answer contains at least one example of the features above.
Task Learning the electron transfer processes for oxidation and reduction OIL RIG Ooxidation Iis Lloss of electrons Rreduction Iis Ggain of electrons
A wide range of resources should be used Key points on revision cards Textbooks and exercise books Revision guides Internet revision sites Friends and classmates Parents Teachers – revision clubs Past papers
To sum up Successful Students have : A full set of notes A revision timetable & checklists A variety of revision strategies A range of resources Parents who encourage them! Prepared fully prior to 14 th May
Preparing for life after Y11 Careers Advice Individual interviews for the sixth form – Always have a plan B Post results advice and support