Why/how was the program developed? Response to feedback from higher education faculty & at the request of the College Board higher education membership institutions Partners in curriculum development and/or approval Smith College Stanford University University of Illinois, Chicago University of Kentucky Columbia University University of California, Berkeley Duke University University of Tulsa Stanford University Brown University Harvard Graduate School of Education Brigham Young University UCLA Institutions awarding credit for completion of Capstone courses
Framework of the AP Capstone Program QUEST Question & explore Understand & analyze arguments Evaluate multiple perspectives Synthesize ideas Team, Transform & Transmit Quest is a recursive process where students go back and forth between the stages of the process as new information becomes available
Coursework and Assessments – Grade 11 AP Seminar Develop and strengthen analytic and inquiry skills through exploration of 2 to 4 relevant issues chosen by the student and/or teacher (possible topics – whether national security is more important than a citizen’s right to privacy, whether genetic engineering is a benefit to society) Consider multiple perspectives Evaluate the strength of an argument Make logical, fact-based decisions Students will question, research, explore, pose solutions, develop arguments, collaborate and communicate using a variety of media Assessment - exam score is based on all 3 components and is reported on the standard 1-5 AP exam scoring scale Team project Individual paper & presentation Written exam
Coursework and Assessments – Grade 12 AP Research Cultivate the skills and discipline necessary to conduct independent research in order to produce and defend a scholarly academic thesis Design, plan, and conduct a year-long evidence-based investigation on a topic of individual interest Students will demonstrate an understanding of research methodology; employing ethics in research practices, accessing, analyzing and synthesizing information to build, present and defend their argument Assessment - exam score is based on all 3 components and is reported on the standard 1-5 AP exam scoring scale Academic paper (approx words) Presentation of thesis Oral defense of the thesis
Recognition AP Capstone Diploma 3 or higher in AP Seminar 3 or higher in AP Research 3 or higher for at least 4 additional AP exams AP Seminar & Research Certificate 3 or higher in AP Seminar 3 or higher in AP Research
PCS High Schools Participating Boca Ciega, Countryside & Northeast begin to mplement AP Seminar Boca Ciega, Countryside & Northeast begin to implement AP Research Dunedin, East Lake, Gibbs, Lakewood, Osceola, Pinellas Park and Seminole begin to implement AP Seminar Dunedin, East Lake, Gibbs, Lakewood, Osceola, Pinellas Park and Seminole begin to implement AP Research Awaiting College Board approval to begin AP Seminar in additional schools in th academic year
Resources For additional information: Teacher Training AP Summer Institute 2014 Miami – 3 AP Seminar teachers 2015 Tampa Bay area – 7 AP Seminar teachers & 3 AP Research teachers Instructional Materials Very little required due to the course content being determined based on teacher and student interests Instructional resources needed – computer lab for research purposes Support for teachers of AP Seminar & AP Research Bard Keeler, College Board Director of AP Capstone Lives locally, provides support as needed in addition to being the lead coordinator of teacher training