PANORAMA SCHOOL Colville School District Staff: We are sending this information to each of you, so you know what we do at Panorama School. If any of your questions are left unanswered, please don’t hesitate to call—ext or
Who and what is in the Aster Facility? The Aster building houses four different entities. 1. District Office/Business Office/Human Resources 2. Colville School District Developmental Preschool. 3. Panorama High School 4. Panorama ALE (Alternative Learning Experience) Program
District Office Superintendent Office Business Office/Human Resources Office Curriculum Director Board Room
Colville School District Developmental Preschool. The focus of the Developmental Preschool is to give qualifying students a jump-start on their learning and skills. The Developmental Preschool provides services for children birth to 5 years old who qualify for special services in 1 or more of 5 possible developmental categories. The child must be at least 2 standard deviations below the set standard for the age category in one area or 1.5 standard deviations below in two areas. The Developmental Preschool also includes a limited number of Typical Peers. These children, of school district employees, attend the preschool session of the appropriate age to be examples of typically developing children for their peers. The Developmental Preschool runs 2 four-year-old classes, 1 three-year-old class, 1 two-year-old class and 1 infant class.
Panorama High School The focus of Panorama High School is to be flexible, personalized and relevant. -This program is a comprehensive, on-campus high school. -Students graduate with a 20 credit diploma. -Students go to 6 scheduled classes a day + one 25 minute advisory class. -Classes run Monday thru Friday from 8:00-2:30. -From 2:30 to 3:00, Panorama teachers are managing online classes in their endorsed areas. Managing an online class can include everything from ing students about coursework, tutoring students on the coursework, running labs on the coursework, or grading the coursework. Depending on student need, students may or may not be present during this 30 minute online management time.
Panorama ALE (Alternative Learning Experience) Program The focus of this program is flexibility and choice. Altern ative Learning Experiences (ALE) are primarily distinguished by off-campus instruction. The intent of this type of program is to give schools flexibility to serve a diverse student population. The specific requirements and expectations of these away-from-school learning activities are detailed in a written student learning plan (WSLP) developed and supervised by a public school teacher. Panorama ALE is a K-12 Alternative Learning Experience program. This program offers the greatest flexibility to LOCAL students and families. This program is designed to meet the needs of our LOCAL students and families, either on-campus or in the home. Students can gain their education through any one of several ALE options or customize the various ALE options to meet their specific needs. However, whether the parent is the primary educator, Apex online curriculum is used, or Contract Based Education is used, the curriculum and progress are monitored by highly qualified certificated teachers. Students who participate in this program are on campus for tutoring /learning labs and for (at least) a one hour face to face session with their assigned ALE teacher. This session includes, but is not limited to: one-on-one teaching, tutoring, assessment taking, progress monitoring, Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP) review, assignment analysis and class work assignment.
ALE Options as defined by the state ALE options include: From WAC (ii) The broad categories of alternative learning experience programs include, but are not limited to: (A) On-line programs as defined in RCW 28A ; (B) Parent partnership programs that include significant participation and partnership by parents and families in the design and implementation of a student's learning experience; and (C) Contract based learning programs.
Panorama’s ALE Options Home-link Parents who choose to be the primary educator of their children can take advantage of Panorama’s vast curriculum library, access certificated teacher tutoring, and attend on- campus certificated teacher tutor/learning labs. Panorama’s ALE tutor/learning labs are available for grades K-12 Monday through Thursday. The focus of these classroom based tutoring/learning labs is mastery of major skills and core standards in the specific academic or elective areas. Panorama offers labs for the following core and elective subjects: Physical Education, Language Arts, Math, Science and Art.
Online Option Students in grades 7-12 can access on-line courses and receive in-person certificated teacher assistance with the courses, ranging in rigor from basic skill level to honors skill level. Students can access these on-line courses from both home and school. Panorama offers a computer lab for our students to work in daily or on a flexible schedule. Science courses earning a student lab credit require the student to participate in on-campus labs once per week.
Contract Based Option Students may choose a CBE option. CBE education requires student independence and/or support from the home. CBE courses are primarily textbook based. As with all ALE options, the student receives in-person certificated teacher assistance with the courses. The courses range in rigor from basic skill level to honors skill level. Students can work from both home and at school. Panorama offers a place for our students to work daily or on a flexible schedule. Science courses earning a student lab credit require the student to participate in on-campus labs once per week.
Common Thread at Panorama The one common thread to run through all of the choices at Panorama School to our local population of families and students is personalization in the form of one-on-one, face-to-face certificated teacher interaction.