A Study of Core-Plus Students Attending Michigan State University Researchers: Richard O. Hill, Ph.D. Thomas H. Parker, Ph.D Michigan State University Presented by Jena M. Rainey
Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the Core-Plus Mathematics Program in preparing students for college mathematics courses. Bibliographic Citation Hill, R. O. & Parker, T. H. (2006, December). A Study of Core-Plus Students Attending Michigan State University. The American Mathematical Monthly, 113,
Research Question Did the students who graduated later (the groups who had the most exposure to the Core-Plus program) perform significantly better than those who graduated from the same high schools earlier (the groups with less Core-Plus exposure)?
Methodology CP Group (4 Core-Plus schools, 343 students) – Subgroups based on graduation year Statistical Analysis – ACT Scores – Mathematics Placement Exam – Mathematical coursework lists – Grades Control Group (34 high schools - 2,961 students) – Parallel Analysis
Results Statistically robust trend (p <.0005) of CP- group students enrolled in increasingly lower level courses as CP implementation expands Statistically significant decline (p <.005) in percentages of students passing Calculus Increase in students who were placed into the low-level and remedial Algebra courses
Discussion Data includes students from a variety of communities Study was not a large-scale randomized study Several issues surrounding timing Study did not examine teacher or student preparation
Implications Hill and Parker recommend that implementation of Core-Plus programs should focus on “subjective aims such as a positive attitude toward mathematics or success with certain types of problems within specific learning environments (p. 919).”
Implications cont’d Follow-up research studies should be conducted involving independent researchers who will evaluate the curricula from the perspective of the internal goals set by the curriculum designers as well as from the external requirements set by colleges and universities.
Conclusion Due to limitations of this study, researchers can’t explain reasons for the CP-group students’ difficulties at the college level. Nevertheless, the results raise serious issues about the effectiveness of Core Plus high schools’ ability to prepare students to take mathematics courses at MSU.