Junior Ambassador Programme 2013 Pre University Studies (Form 6)
About Form 6: Form 6 is a government pre-university programme that is taught in selected secondary schools around Malaysia. Previously, Form 6 students sat for the STPM examinations at the end of their studies. Beginning 2012, Form 6 students will be sitting for three term examinations instead of one big one.
New Assessment Format to Replace STPM Starting From 2012 Intake The Malaysian Examinations Council (MEC) has announced that they will implement a new assessment format to replace the STPM examinations starting from 2012 intake. There will be a new assessment system and the old-format of the STPM examinations will be abolished completely. Students will also be doing course works and there are 3 types of course work - Projects or assignments, laboratory work and field research. Students will have to undergo three (3) exam terms, beginning from Lower Six. The duration of STPM remains unchanged.
Assessment of coursework would be carried by subject teachers in schools while the evaluation would be coordinated by MEC. Students achievements would be evaluated each term and exam results would be announced each term. The overall STPM results would be on cumulative basis for the three terms. One of the advantages of the system is that students are allowed to re-sit the first or/and second term examinations to improve their results at the end of third term. Students can also re-sit their third term exams. This new assessment system changes the focus from exam- oriented learning to an outcome based education.
Grading System
The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) ranges from 0.0 to 4.0. The following is a table of the grade points awarded for each grade The CGPA is calculated by rounding up the average of the top four subjects to two decimal points. Students’ assessments will be carried out each term will the results released at the end of the term. The overall STPM results will be the best combined results of three terms. There will be two forms of assessment, the School-Based Assessment (SBA) that weighs 20% to 40% and the centralized examination that weighs 60%-80% depending on the subjects taken.
SUBJECT PACKAGE OF FORM 6 OFFERED BY ENGLISH COLLEGE *** To be eligible for Malaysian public universities, students must take Pengajian Am (General Studies) and MUET (Malaysian University English Test)
Science Stream (2 Packages) Physics Subject Package - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics T (Technical), General Studies, MUET Biology Subject Package - Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics T (Technical), General Studies, MUET
Art Stream (3 Packages) Geography Subject Package - Geography, Business Studies, Economics, General Studies, MUET Malay Language Subject Package - Malay Language, Business Studies, History, General Studies, MUET Visual Art Subject Package - Visual Art, Economics, History, General Studies, MUET
General Studies Teachers (All Streams Compulsory Subject)
MUET Teachers (All Streams Compulsory Subject)
Chemistry Teachers (Science Stream Compulsory Subject)
Mathematics (T) Teachers (Science Stream Compulsory Subject)
Biology and Physics Teacher (Science Stream Subject)
Economies Teachers (Art Stream Subject)
Geography and Business Studies Teacher (Art Stream Subject)
Malay Language and History Teacher (Art Stream Subject)
Visual Art Studies Teacher (Art Stream Subject)
New Form 6 Teachers in English College
Co-curriculum Activities in Form 6 Uniform bodies Game clubs Academic and Social Service clubs
UNIFORM BODIES *There are four (4) different uniform bodies in Form 6 *
Kadet Remaja Sekolah (School Youth Cadet Corps)
St John Ambulance (Adult)
Pengakap Kelana (Rover Scout)
Malaysian Red Crescent (Adult)
GAME CLUBS *There are four (4) different game clubs in Form 6 *
Badminton Netball (girls only) Petanque Ping-Pong / Bowling
ACADEMIC & SOCIAL CLUBS *There are twelve (12) different academic and social clubs in Form 6 *
Parliament Debate Club Economics Club Geography Club Business Studies Club Malay Language Public Speaking Club History Club Art Visual Club English Language Public Speaking Club Physics Club Chemistry Club Biology Club Mathematics T Club
By: Chiang Chuang Qian