Classroom Expectations French 1, 2, & 3 M. Rocque Website:
Student Behaviors I expect you to do your best to understand and speak French in class. I expect that you will work outside of class every day and try and use French as much as possible in your home and at school. I expect that you will come prepared for class, take notes, participate, and not distract others. I expect that you will respect the teacher, clean up after yourself, and respect others.
What does being prepared for class mean? Bring notebook, textbook, planner, and a pen or pencil to class. Don’t expect to borrow these things. Know due dates, and submit all coursework on time. Come prepared to turn your work in or do your online work prior to class. All assignments are posted on Skyward, your class syllabus, and on the class Web site. Remember that hard work is rewarded, but if you are not prepared you will lose credit.
Class Environment You need to feel safe, and you should treat everyone kindly. No being mean or rude. We speak French. Get used to it. You’ll be speaking with everyone. If they're in the class, they’re here to learn. SPEAK FRENCH! When you get to class, go straight to your desk, begin studying words, get out the syllabus, check the plan for the day. Stay in your desk throughout the class, unless you ask permission IN FRENCH. Don’t eat or drink unless we are having a party.
Grades Turn your stuff in on time. Do it late, don’t expect full credit. Minus 10% each class period. Quizzes can be retaken, but Exams can NOT. If you have an “F” you need to make it up right away. You just need to get 80% on ALL your quizzes to pass French.
Extra Credit? Yes Cultural “show and tells” Video and music clips Current events Make French food Share French stuff you have Pictures Dance, sing, art, etc. Other occasional assignments when noted.
BRING STUFF We need supplies: Kleenex, dry erase markers, and erasers, pens, or pencils, and notebook paper. We have parties. Bring food, paper products, or whatever. BOTH ARE EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES!
Grading Grades are based on the accumulation of points by category. Points are based on: Class participation (effort) Completion of assignments (daily work) Homework Exams & quizzes Grades are posted on Skyward. Our Grading Scale % = A 90-94%= A %= B % = B 80-84%= B %= C % = C 70-74%= C- Below 70% = F/I Categories include: quizzes (50%), exams (20%), assignments (15%) and homework (15%).
My Pledge to Students I will trust you until you give me reason to do otherwise. I will respect you and work with you to solve problems. I will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work. I will work with you to meet learning goals. I will offer extra help and alternative assessments should you require them.
Let’s have a great year! Ayons une bonne année!