10 th & 11 th Grade Parent Meeting
What Sets MHS Apart Traditions: Homecoming, Beat the Drum, Fill the Bus, Deck the Halls, Senior Picnic, First in Family Recognition 11 Career & Technology Strands: offer relevant and engaging learning experiences, professional certifications and/or college credits Student Organizations & Activities: competitive at district, regional and state levels “Healthy Mind—Healthy Body—Healthy Lion” : A Coordinated Health program designed to encourage healthy habits
Strong Academics MHS students earn average SAT (1585) & ACT (23.9) scores exceeding state and national scores MHS performance on Advanced Placement (AP) testing for 2012 showed a 5-year high for test takers (651), exams (1,601), and percentage of scores 3, 4, & 5 (59%). In 2012, the AP program at MHS produced more than 200 AP Scholars The Collegeboard honored MHS students with: –4 National Merit Semifinalists –3 National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholars –11 Commended Scholars
Student Panel What do you feel makes MHS unique? What’s the most important thing to do to prepare for 11 th grade? What about 12 th grade? What is your favorite MHS tradition?
Registration for 2013/2014
Overview of Registration Guidance Presentations Review Academic Planning Guide (APG) MHS Showcase Course Selection/Counselor Appointments Hardcards reviewed & submitted to MS counselor Course Verifications
Two Ingredients for Graduation Credits (26 specific credits) Satisfactory Performance on state testing Current Gr. 11 students: TAKS Current Gr. 10 students: STAAR EOC
Requirements for Graduation: see Academic Planning Guide 4 credits English 4 credits Math 4 credits Science 4 credits Social Studies 2 years of the same Language Other Than English 1 credit Fine Arts.5 credit Professional Communications.5 credit Health 1 credit P.E. or Athletics 5 credits of electives 26 Credits TOTAL
“Click” to Visit our Registration Page Link to the APG, Registration Guidance Contact Sheets and Applications
Example Card For 11 th Grade
Example Card For 12 th Grade
Academic Planning
3 “Tasks” for Junior Year Earn the best grades you are capable of getting Prepare for and take your standardized tests Develop your list of 3-5 lists of colleges to which you intend to apply
3 “Tasks” for Senior Year Apply to your target postsecondary institutions Apply for appropriate scholarships & financial aid Strengthen your study habits and monitor your time
PSAT Results Gives you access to My College Quickstart—a suite of programs For more information view the “PSAT Score Tutorial” on the MHS website, in the middle yellow column (scrolling)
Naviance is COMING SOON! Personalized Academic, Career & College Planning Launching later this spring
Advanced Course Offerings PreAP, Dual Credit & AP courses are available Advanced coursework requires significant additional preparation outside of the school day Advanced coursework requires significant additional preparation outside of the school day Heavy emphasis on critical reading, writing, and higher order thinking skills. Summer reading may be required (see APG) These courses have “open” enrollment, but there are strict guidelines in the APG regarding policies and procedures for the course These courses have “open” enrollment, but there are strict guidelines in the APG regarding policies and procedures for the course See the APG for more information!
Dual Credit Program Offer credit for MHS & College Classes taught by Collin College staff and taken at Collin College facilities Separate admission and registration process in April Plan to attend the information session in April Offerings available in both Academic (Core) Subjects and Career & Technology (CTE)
AP or Dual Credit? Students and parents should consider: Students and parents should consider: Dual Credit courses begin your college transcript (and GPA). Consider past grades (whether PreAP or Core level), extracurricular commitment and maturity. Dual Credit courses require tuition, though financial assistance is available. Purchasing books is also a student responsibility. Transportation is required for courses taken at the Collin campus. AP and Dual Credit courses are weighted differently in the GPA Both AP and Dual Credit courses are subject to the credit transfer guidelines of the specific university and the specific major you are pursuing
So, how many advanced courses should be taken? Students and parents should carefully consider: Students and parents should carefully consider: Student abilities and previous performance Student interest in a particular discipline Involvement in extracurricular activities Time requirement for each class
Ways to Get Ahead
Summer School Both sessions will be in July (dates TBD) Both sessions will be in July (dates TBD) Costs are TBD Costs are TBD Limited course selections. Check with counselors in April Possible courses for acceleration: Fine Arts PECommunications
Online Courses Current Course Offerings: HealthPsychologySociology First available in the spring of junior year: GovernmentEconomics English IV If you are interested in taking a course online, stop by the counseling office in April to pick up an application!
Staying Informed
MEF Representative Assists with College Planning, including financial aid and scholarship searching Charlton Mooney –
At the Counselors’ Table : Program Contact Sheets College Planning Information PSAT/SAT/ACT information PSAT/SAT/ACT information Career Planning Information EOC Testing Information Bring Us Your Questions!
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