By: Nate Cowsert, and Madison Schneider Founded in:1636
Colonies First people The Narragansett were the first people in the area. The Narragansett were the most powerful group in the area. They lived in villages of about 100 people. Each village had a leader called Sachem. In the 1600’s Ninigret was the Narragansett ruler. In the winter the Narragansett made traps to catch food or animals. They also fished, The Narragansett lived in wigwams, and some lived in the forest in longhouses. The Narragansett bay was named after Narragansett people.
Colonies Early settlers Winter of 1636 Roger Williams fled Massachusetts. It was started by people wanting religious freedom. Roger was a young puritan minister. In 1763 colonial borders were set. Rhode island was squeezed between puritan colonies of Massachusetts and Connecticut. Roger thought that people had the right to choose their own religion. Williams started Providence Rhode islands first English settlement. Anne Hutchison was kicked out of Massachusetts for preaching. Only men were allowed to preach. In 1663 King Charles the second of England gave them a Charter. The charter joined the towns as the colony of Rhode island.
They first built farms and towns. Families produced most of their own food. Corn was the main crop. Colonists also raised cattle for meat, eggs milk and cheese. Families that lived near Narragansett bay fished for clams, shrimp, and other sea food. They had a lot of chores daily. Men farmed and built homes. The women cooked, cleaned, and raised children. Farmers had to clear forests before they could grow crops.
Children helped their parents when ever they could. They learned adult tasks at a young age. For most Rhode island colonists, daily life was around the farm or home.
As the colony grew Rhode islands economy changed. In the early years most were fishers and farmers. Many plantations were located on the rich soil near the coast. Farmers grew corn, onions, and apples. They sold wool and cheese. The slaves were forced to work, the farmers land and care for the animals. Many farmers had apple orchards.
Colonies exports Apples, cattle, corn, dairy products, and cheese were exported. The industrial exports were ships. The Natural Resource exports are seafood, fish, and lumber. Narragansett bay provided fishers with fish, clams, lobsters, and oysters. Colonists hunted whales of the coast.
Community In 1640 the settlements first gristmill was built. A gristmill was made for grinding grains into powder called meal. They were powered by water wheels. The disagreements that the colony had helped it grow. Quarrels between town leaders continued for 40 years. The threat of a takeover by Massachusetts and Connecticut forced town leaders to unite.
Religion In providence you were aloud to practice any religion you please. Anne Hutchinson was free to preach the bible. Rhode islands charter allowed the colonists to form their own government.
By the 1760 the American colonies had a busy cities and large plantations. Britain taxed colonists on tea, paper, and sugar. In 1774 the colonists sent representatives to the continental congress. These men tried to settle matters with great Britain. But a peaceful solution could not be found. Rhode island was the smallest American colony. Many New England colonists were minutemen. They were ready to fight at all times.
Statehood and more! Rhode island was the 13 th state. The population at the time was 59,678 people. The state was founded in Statehood: May 29, 1790
More important facts! Rhode islanders insisted the U.S. constitution had the Bill of Rights. One of the rights it protects is freedom of religion. The U.S. navy began in Newport Rhode island, during the revolutionary war.