PRODUCER RESPONSIBILITY in RHODE ISLAND Changing the way we think about and manage product packaging, design, and disposal John Berard Campaign Organizer
PRODUCER RESPONSIBILITY IN RI: Framework Outline (H-5888 & S-0459) Initial Product Designation DEM will work with product-specific committees to develop stewardship plans for architectural paint, mattresses, and medical sharps. One product will be addressed at a time. Developing Product Specific Rules The plan will address covered entities, performance goals, disposal bans (if needed), implementation dates, administration fees, and any other requirements relevant to establishing a stewardship program for that specific product. Implementing a Program Producers must submit an initial report outlining how they intend to implement the stewardship program and yearly reports after the initial report outlining their progress. Evaluating Progress DEM shall submit annual reports to the General Assembly of its activities pursuant to this bill. Further Product Designation DEM will work with a standing product advisory committee on a bi-yearly basis to review recommendations for product stewardship programs for additional products.
Why Mattresses, Paints, and Sharps? RIRRC (runs RI’s main landfill and statewide HHW program) $350,000/yr on mattress $500,000/yr on paint disposal at HHW $5,000/yr on medical sharps, loss of production is bigger issue Cities and Towns City of PVD (capitol city) Over $400,000 on mattress disposal and recycling in 2010 City of Central Falls (1 sq. mi city) $5,000+ on mattress disposal Cities are not allowed to take paint Sharps an issue once recycling makes it to RIRRC recycling center Local Recycling and Collection Infrastructure Conigliaro mattress recycling (MA) RIRRC Hospital and Medical Center collection for sharps; past home collection programs Environmental and Workers Safety Concerns Oil-based paints, more than latex-based, are an environmental concern Medical sharps are a significant workers safety issue for RIRRC Illegal dumping
Process for Mattresses Product-Specific Committee Producers State/Local Government Environmental Groups Solid Waste & Recycling Industry Consumers// Covered Entities Consumers// Covered Entities Development of Product Specific Rules & Regs Definition of covered entities Environmentally sound management practices Performance/product goals Disposal Ban Implementation dates Administrative fees Other requirements Development of Product Specific Rules & Regs Definition of covered entities Environmentally sound management practices Performance/product goals Disposal Ban Implementation dates Administrative fees Other requirements Voluntary Program Mandatory Program Submit plan for approval within 120 days Implement Program Reports Performance Goals 2 yr ‘grace period’ Implement Program Reports Performance Goals 2 yr ‘grace period’
Want more information on H5888/ S459? -Visit: -Use the search function -Type in: 5888 or 459 Thank you! Nicole Poepping Clean Water Action