WebJunction: Connect, Create, Learn RI Educational Media Association January 2009 Karen Mellor RI Office of Library and Information Services
WebJunction Rhode Island About WebJunction WebJunction Features WebJunction Tools Join WebJunction Agenda
3 WebJunction Rhode Island What is WebJunction?
WebJunction Rhode Island 2002: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation award grant to OCLC to build an online portal for public libraries and other organizations Built as adjunct resource to Library Program Other grants: Tech Atlas, Spanish Language Outreach, Rural Libraries Sustainability August 2008: New WebJunction launched, incorporating networking and interactive tools WebJunction History
WebJunction Rhode Island 2003: 4 state library agencies 2008: 15 state library agencies Over 40,000 members 2,600 visitors daily Anyone can join WebJunction (free!) Members in community partner states receive additional benefits WebJunction Partners & Members
WebJunction Rhode Island Vision: relevant, vibrant, and sustainable libraries in every community Mission: build collaborative communities where library staff connect, create, and learn Professional networking Share ideas, experience, expertise, opinions Community building - skills, career Online learning community for librarians and library staff Personalize your WJ experience: tag, bookmark About WebJunction
Lead Facilitate Collaborate Contribute Consume Personalize Respond Connect Explore Community Responsibility Continuum of Engagement Level of Participation Individual (help me get my job done) Collective (help others get the job done) visitor > member > participant > contributor > SME > group facilitator > advocate > presenter > mentor > champion search navigation tag clouds registration/login public profile friending comment rate edit tagging bookmarks groups courses read attend webinar add article discussions wiki recommend create group build relationships topic SME present guide train recruit inspire
9 WebJunction Rhode Island WebJunction Features
WebJunction Rhode Island Thousands of helpful articles and tips –Technology –Library Management –Library Services Active discussions –Wide variety of topics –Driven by knowledgeable library staff around country Partner content –Enhance WebJunction Central –Integrate OLIS website –Utilize social tools Rich Content
WebJunction Rhode Island Over 500 online courses - free for members! SkillSoft, (University of North Texas) Self-paced, live webinars, blended learning Tools to share / discover courses – tagging, recommendations, commenting Track courses taken, plan to take, or have completed Must be logged in to enjoy benefits of membership Courses
WebJunction Rhode Island Competency Index covers broad spectrum of library practice and service Pathfinder to courses and content that address knowledge, skills, and abilities Connects competencies to your learning Topic-based (not work roles / library types) Current competencies –Library Management –Technology (March) –Full index coming Competencies
WebJunction Rhode Island Connect with peers in library community –Member profiles –Connect with other professionals and staff Discussions –Discuss and contribute documents –Body of knowledge developed by library community Groups –Join groups –Create groups Professional Networking
19 Professional Networking
22 Privacy Settings
21 WebJunction Rhode Island WebJunction Tools
WebJunction Rhode Island Groups on WebJunction Central –Formed around topic area –Anyone can join Groups on RI WebJunction –Based on local interests, issues (eg YART, Children’s) –Groups for short-term projects, closed groups –Discussions and documents Communities of Practice –Groups on steroids –Expanded topic area (Spanish Language, Rural Libs.) Groups & Communities of Practice
WebJunction Rhode Island Group creation –Anyone can create, but... –WJ Staff/Partners retain administrative rights –WJ Central: shows on WJ Central –WJ RI: create from RI Services page Communities of Practice –WJ RI can designate administrator –Larger topic area than group (content grows) Under construction –We’re learning about groups... stay tuned... More about Groups
WebJunction Rhode Island Collaborative learning software application –Live virtual classroom –Synchronous online learning –Asynchronous learning (capture sessions) Conferencing solution –Virtual meetings conducted via Internet –No phones or wrestling with IP addresses! Wimba
WebJunction Rhode Island Real time, interactive communication –Voice (VOIP, integrated teleconference) –Chat (public / private) Slideshare and application sharing Interactive whiteboard Participant list Polling and survey capabilities Available to WJ-RI members Wimba Classroom
WebJunction Rhode Island Courses Content, especially technology Networking And a new area on WebJunction WebJunction for Teacher Librarians
31 WebJunction Rhode Island Join WebJunction!
WebJunction Rhode Island Join WebJunction Personalize your WebJunction Experience Allow others to see your profile Network with colleagues and peers Bookmark pages Join groups Contribute to discussions Create content Become an administrator? My WebJunction
WebJunction Rhode Island Login to WJ when visiting On login, click “Remember Me” My WJ becomes visible Visit RI Services for Quick Tips and updates on our services Visit the Member Center for Help, Member Guides, News... Tips for a fullfilling experience
WebJunction Rhode Island Update your profile Make sure you’re affiliated with WJ-RI Make sure the pages you visit have the RI banner on them (especially for courses) More tips for a fullfilling experience
WebJunction Rhode Island Network with me Send me a comment Open your profile Let me comment back See you on WebJunction RI!
WebJunction Rhode Island Karen Mellor, Program Manager | (401) Chaichin Chen, Program Specialist | (401) Questions? Contact us RI Office of Library & Information Services