Connor 9/20/2010 Period 1 Computer #21 50 States, Rhode Island, 10/7/2010, sland sland
State Name: Rhode Island State Capital: Providence Population: 1,048,319 Entered the Union: 13 th, 5/29/1790 Motto: Hope Nickname: The Ocean State Flower: Violet Bird: Rhode Island Red Song: Rhode Island, Its for me Meaning Behind Name: From the Greek Island of Rhodes Clip art
Interesting Facts: Flag means symbol of authority, Rhode Island is the smallest state in America,there mineral is Bowenite, and there rock is cumberlandite. Clip art
Ben’s Guide to Government, Quick Facts Rhode Island, September 22, 2010,
Postcards from America, Jamestown, RI, 9/23/2010, The waves are beautiful when they hit the rocks.