Rhode Island Department of Labor & Training YOUTH SERVICES DIVISION
YouthWorks411 The statewide youth system which is funded through: Workforce Investment Act – federal funding Workforce Investment Act – ARRA funding Job Development Fund – state funding Allocated through the State Workforce Investment Office to RI’s two local workforce investment boards: The Workforce Partnership of Greater RI serving all cities and towns other than the cities of Providence and Cranston which are served by Workforce Solutions of Providence Cranston
The 2009 Picture With a total investment of nearly $16m, YouthWORKS411 will provide an all youth agenda to: Over 10,000 Youth 13 Youth Centers 77 Vendors 89 Programs In school - Out of School - Summer Work Experience
Over 16,000 service units will be provided in the following areas: Job Coaching Academics Work Experience Leadership Development Adult Mentoring Job Development Work Preparation Follow-Up Services
Five Year Snapshot PY 2005PY 2006PY 2007PY 2008PY2009 # of Youth Served ,7317,82810,016 # of At Risk Youth ,1583,5154,991 # of Vendors # of Programs8 (pt YC)19 (1YC)38 (7 YC)45 (13 YC)89 (13 YC) Funding SourcesWIAWIA/JDF WIA/JDF/RIDE WIA/JDF/RIDE/ARRA Funding Awarded$1,543,201$1,097,686$3,324,867$4,406,455$8,518,478 Leveraged Dollars $3,377,676$4,304,632$5,078,690 In-Kind Dollars $1,408,633$2,147,291$2,222,952 Cranston School Proj. (243 Youth)($500,000) Cranston School Proj. (410 Youth) ($450,000) ARRA Summer ($4,000,000) Total$1,543,201$1,097,686$8,111,176$10,858,378 $15,820,120 Contract Year ,665 Carry-In from Contract Year ,501 ARRA Summer Employment Opportunities1,850 Total Youth in System10,016
Service Delivery Model for All Youth
Providence Pawtucket -2 locations Woonsocket Westerly Johnston Charlestown Bristol East Providence Wakefield Newport Warwick West Warwick YOUTH CENTERS
All Youth Agenda Collaboration of RI’s two Local Workforce Investment Boards Statewide Youth Center Manager System Branding Statewide Training Plan Business Engagement Advisory Committee Industry Skills Development Initiative “Greenhouse Component” Skills Tutor Shared Vision for Youth Major contributing factors to the growth and success of the statewide system:
Major contributing factors continued: Youth Portal Development of MOUs Department of Children Youth and Family Rhode Island Department of Education Department of Human Services RI Green Technology Consortium : a consortium of private and public partners will define and plan a multi-faceted approach to incorporate green technology-industries into the economic, educational and job generation future of the state of RI.
Where We Are Going… Serve 12,000 youth within five years Expand partnerships to further leverage services resulting in: capacity building decreased duplication of services organizations to provide their core competency organizations to be both contributors to the system and users of the system cost effective statewide youth programming Further integrate youth services in schools and youth centers: Cranston Project Expansion for 2009 – 2010 academic year
ARRA 15% will support: One Stop System Special Projects Local WIB Support
Request for Proposals in the area of Contextualized Education and Training Tied to Career Pathways in Critical and Emerging Sectors Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training Rhode Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
1.Public System Grows, Retains, and Attracts Talent Rhode Island will maximize the capacity of the workforce development system to align, unify, and flexibly address the skill demands of all employers and job seekers. 2.Employers Attract and Retain a Highly Skilled Workforce Rhode Island employers will attract and employ a skilled and educated workforce committed to lifelong learning, thus ensuring growth and prosperity. 3. The Adult Workforce is Skilled and Agile Adults will have the knowledge and skills needed to meet changing economic demand – for their own and the state’s economic prosperity. 4. Youth Are Ready for Work and Lifelong Learning Youth will take advantage of skill development opportunities that enable them to meet changing demand – for their own and for the state’s future prosperity. RFP Goals align with the Strategic Workforce Plan for RI, adopted by the Governor’s Workforce Board RI in March of 2009.
Approximately $1.7M in WIA formula and ARRA funds, $1.7M in RIDE/ABE funds and $600,000 in Job Development Funds will be available to support contextualized learning for adults ages 18 and older. This training will be tied to career pathways in critical and emerging sectors for up to 24 months through an outcome-based Request for Proposal. This RFP is a collaboration between the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training and the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Adult and Career and Technical Education. To align with this project, RIDE will provide an additional $3.85M over five years, for educational and occupational skills training. $4 Million to be Awarded for Adult Contextualized Learning
Need more information… Maureen Palumbo Carlos Ribeiro