Breeders, Layers and Hatching Egg Production R. Keith Bramwell, PhD Department of Poultry Science University of Arkansas
Terms Cock: Male chicken Hen: Female Pullett: Female under six months, non laying Capon: Neutered male chicken Broiler: Raised for meat Layer: Egg production Gestation: Chicken: 21 days Production: usually 1 egg per day Comb: Red tissue on top of head Wattle: Red tissue hanging under beak Brooding: the raising of baby chicks
Chickens – layers or broilers: Broilers – young meat chickens (8 weeks old or less). Roasters – mature chickens used for meat. Capons – castrated males 14-17 weeks old. There are more than 200 breeds of chickens in the US. Most layers and broilers are cross-breeds.
Breeds and Varieties
Breeds and Varieties Breed is a type of chicken Leghorn or a Plymouth Rock Variety is defined by the variations within the breed Leghorn – single comb vs rose comb white vs light brown Plymouth rock – White Rock vs Barred Rock
Types of Variations Body shape and structure Modern game, Japanese, rumpless
Types of Variations Leg and feet variations Size Sound? Silkie, Salmon Favorelle, etc Size Bantam, standard Sound? Long crowers!
What is Bantam Chicken? A small version of the larger (standard size) breed Bantams are almost exclusively for exhibition
Types of Variations Feather color Solid coloring Barring, penciled, mottled
Types of Variations Feather type Silkies, frizzles, long tails
Types of Variations Feather distribution Polish, cochins, naked neck
Types of Variations Comb type Single, rose, pea, v-shape, etc
Comb Types Single Comb Rose Comb Blue-hen, Leghorn, Plymouth Rock, New Hampshire, Rhode Island Red Leghorn, Rhode Island Red
Comb Types
Comb Types V Comb Polish
Comb Types Pea Comb Ameraucana, Araucana, Cornish
Fertilization & Embryo Development Fertilization occurs within 5 minutes after ovulation Shell formation takes 24-26 hours to complete Hen’s body temperature 104 - 106o F Laid egg represents 1 days embryonic growth (20,000 - 40,000 cells)
Day 0 of Incubation: Before Egg is Laid Fertile/infertile determination can be made at lay While the egg moves from initial fertilization, to shell membrane formation to shell formation in the oviduct, the embryo develops from the early to late cleavage stages Germinal disc diameter (3-4mm) larger the first few hours after fertilization than at lay
Fertile and Infertile Eggs