© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX
Rhode Island lRoger Williams Massachusetts lJohn Winthrop lWilliam Bradford Connecticut lJohn Oldham lThomas Hooker Founders William Bradford Roger Williams New Hampshire lJohn Wheelwright
© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Rhode Island lescape religious persecution in Massachusetts Massachusetts lescape religious persecution in England Connecticut lescape religious persecution in Massachusetts Reasons Founded New Hampshire lEscape religious persecution in England
© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Rhode Island lEuropeans lNative Americans Massachusetts lSeparatists called Pilgrims lPuritans lNative Americans Connecticut lDutch and Swedish lNative Americans People New Hampshire lSeparatists lNative Americans
© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Rhode Island lred clay soil lcold winters, short but humid summers Massachusetts lfertile, but rocky soil lheavily forested l bitter cold winters, short but humid summers Connecticut lhilly and forested lcold winters, short but humid summers Climate and Geography New Hampshire lMountains, over 1300 lakes and rivers lCold winters, short but humid summers
© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Rhode Island lcattle and dairy farmers lsubsistence farmers lshipping Massachusetts lfur lcattle llumber Connecticut lcattle and dairy farmers lsubsistence farmers lshipping, fishing, and whaling Economy New Hampshire lfishing lfarming llumber lshipbuilding
© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Rhode Island lreligious freedom Massachusetts llives centered around religious worship and the church Connecticut lreligious freedom Religion New Hampshire lreligious freedom
© 2004 Plano ISD, Plano, TX Rhode Island lgovernor and General Assembly Massachusetts lTheocracy- laws of the colony based on religious beliefs lruled by ministers lonly white men in good standing with the church could vote Connecticut l“Fundamental Orders”- first written constitution in America Government New Hampshire lPresident and council appointed by the king lAssembly elected by the people