WELCOME! New Learner Registratio n Registration Schedule Friday, September 12 9:00-1:00 Orientation Registration Form eTest Registration and Testing Writing Sample Commitment Form Rhode Island Works YWCA / Parenting in Progress
Orientation Agenda About RIRAL Registration Process Filling Out Registration Form eTest Online Registration
RIRAL Communities Burrillville Woonsocket Central Falls East Providence
For Young Adults RIRAL partners with the RI Youth Center Networks for out-of-school young adults, ages Woonsocket Youth Center Community Care Action (formerly Family Resources) YWCA of Northern RI Parenting in Progress East Bay Youth Center East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP)
Program Options Adult Basic Education classes (ABE) Adult Secondary Education classes (ASE) ◦GED track ◦National External Diploma Program track English as a Second Language ◦ESL I ESL II ESL III Transitions to College Learning Resource Center and Applied Technology
Services for students College readiness counseling and assessments Career counseling and assessments Employment counseling and job search Advocacy (STAND) Assistance with international educational evaluation
High School Credentialing There are three ways for Rhode Island residents to earn a high school credential: ● General Equivalency Diploma (GED) ● National External Diploma Program (NEDP) ● Credit Recovery 16 & 17 year old residents must have an Alternate Learning Plan NOTE If you are not a resident, you are welcomed to take classes with us and we can help you find credentialing resources in your state.
GED Official Test Four tests taken at a GED testing center $30 per test $120 for all four GED Ready (Practice) Taken anywhere with internet connection $6 per test $24 for all four optional, but highly recommended
Computer and In-Person Assessment program Independent assignments Weekly meetings with assessor State wide High School Diploma from Woonsocket or Central Falls School Department Your portion of the cost for the program is $300 NEDP
Credit Recovery Available through Woonsocket High School On-line courses Regular attendance at the school required Approximate Cost $135 per credit
Costs? Registration fee $15 (non-refundable and expires June 30 each year) ABE/ASE classes are free, but you will be asked to purchase your own math books ($25-$30). If you change levels during the year, you will need to purchase another math book. RIRAL will supply classroom sets of the Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science books and materials. These are available for purchase on request ($25-$30 each). Cash or money order only, please. No personal checks.
Class Schedule (example) September 29 – December 11 Monday – Thursday 9:00am-1:00pm o Language Arts o Math o Science & Social Studies o Technology Instruction Class placement is based on tests scores and availability. Placement is NOT guaranteed.
Remember If you miss more than 25% of classes RIRAL will consider an early termination from the class, so that your place can be offered to another person. If you have been terminated for attendance too many times RIRAL may give future admission preference to students with better attendance histories or first time applicants. Attendance is important! We risk loosing funding if we don’t meet state requirements. We can help you find another program if you can no longer attend with us.
Filling Out Registration Form
Registration Form
Site & Returning Learner Site = the location where you will be taking classes Returning Learner = “Yes” if you have taken classes with RIRAL before (including at Family Resources and PIP/YWCA).
Registration Form Employment Status Full Time = 30 hours or more Unemployed = actively looking for a job Not looking for work = you are not looking for a job right now
Registration Form Selective Service Males = RIRAL is required to inform you of your requirement to sign up for the SSS; we do not sign you up. Selective Service System = a list of names that the government could use to fairly draft people into the armed services in the case of a national emergency Note: if you are not sure of your status, you can check at
Registration Form Low Income # of Family Members Income is this amount or less 1$17,505 2$23,595 3$29,685 4$35,775 5$41,865 6$47,955 7$54,045 8$60,135 Note: if you are receiving government assistance such as food stamps, cash assistance, heating, housing, etc., you probably meet low income guidelines.
Registration Form Employment Status Selective Service Low Income Site & Returning Learner Please use your LEGAL name.
eTest Online Registration
Social Security Number or Date Of Birth NO dashes or spaces DOB must be 8 numbers long
eTest Online Registration Please use correct capitalization: Jonathan Lee Jones
eTest Online Registration Required Question
eTest Online Registration Must select an item from ALL columns.
eTest Online Registration 13 = finished high school + 1 year of college Check if education was outside of US.
eTest Online Registration Check if education was outside of US.
eTest Online Registration First language you learned – select only one.
eTest Online Registration Terrible question! You must select BOTH Ethnicity and Race.
eTest Online Registration Double-check all your information is correct, then click Save.
Thank you! New Learner Registratio n Registration Schedule Friday, September 12 9:00-1:00 Orientation Registration Form eTest Registration and Testing Writing Sample Commitment Form Rhode Island Works YWCA / Parenting in Progress