Black Commandos and Rhode island fighters By: Charity DuPont & Alexander Kaufman
Black Commandos
In December 1776, the second in command of the American Army was captured. His name was General Charles Lee and was captured by the British. In order to have a fair prisoner exchange, the American Army has to have a British General to have a fair exchange.
Black Commandos Continued Lt Col. William Barton made a plan that was dangerous. His plan to have his men slip past the British forces at Newport, Rhode Island. They would enter British camps and capture General Richard Prescott in his quarters and return him to American territory.
Black Commandos Continued Lt Col. Barton Barton picked forth elite soldiers most was black and white. Waiting till midnight the group loaded into small boats and went past British warships. They landed near the General Headquarters and they broke down the door and grabbed him.
Black Commandos Cont They safely returned with Prescott to the American lines where they exchanged for the second in command of the American Army. The daring act of Sisson is still celebrated to this day.
R h o d e I s l a n d F i g h t e r s The first Rhode Island Regiment consisted of 125 black patriots. Most of them were free and others were slaves. The commander of the Regiment was Colonel Christopher Greene. The Regiment was created during Valley Forge.
Rhode Island Fighters Cont When reinforcements failed to arrive during the battle, the Americans were forced to retreat. During the retreat the First Rhode Island thrust themselves between the retreating Americans and the British and Hessians (German mercenaries that worked for the British)
Rhode Island Fighters Cont The First Rhode Island Regiment inflicted heavy casualties to the British and the Hessians. Following the battle, the Hessian commander asked to be transferred to a different location for fear his soldiers might shoot him.
Legacy Blacks had a bigger role in Victory during the Revolutionary war. Blacks helped fight in the Civil war (Massachusetts 54 th ) They were also in WW1 and WW2 They were in the Korean and Vietnam war They serve in the U.S Military today in the war against Terrorist.
Pictures of Blacks during the American Revolution
Pictures of Rhode Island Fighters during the American Revolution