Standard – SSUSH 1 Describe European settlement in North America during the 17 th Century. Explain Virginia’s development; include the Virginia Company, tobacco cultivation, relationships with Native Americans such as Powhatan, development of the House of Burgesses, Bacon’s Rebellion, and the development of slavery.
The Development of Virginia
Virginia Company Seal of the Virginia Company An English business that financed the ships full of single men looking to make money; founded Jamestown and founded the colony of Virginia Discovery of a new type of Tobacco [John Rolfe] saved Jamestown and Virginia and made profitable and popular – more English settlers were attracted to colony – population boom
Chief Powhatan/Father of Pocahantas His friendship with John Smith helped the Jamestown settlement survive. At the death of Powhatan, conflicts between the colonists and the Powhatan Confederacy increased as more English settlers arrived. Powhatan
House of Burgesses First English Legislative Assembly in North America, in Virginia Created a precedent of self government in the colonies
Bacon’s Rebellion Nathaniel Bacon Bacon led a group of backcountry farmers who wanted to attack and take over Indian lands as well as take over Virginia His rebellion led to more land to farm, more slaves for those lands, and democratic changes in Virginia.
Standard – SSUSH 1 Describe European settlement in North America during the 17 th Century. Describe the settlement of New England; include religious reasons, relations with Native Americans [e.g., King Phillip’s War], the establishment of town meetings and development of a legislature, religious tensions that led to the founding of Rhode Island, the half- way covenant, Salem Witch Trials, and the loss of the Massachusetts charter and the transition to a royal colony. Explain the development of the mid-Atlantic colonies; include the Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam {New York} and the subsequent English takeover, and the settlement of Pennsylvania. Explain the reasons for French settlement of Quebec. Analyze the impact of location and place on colonial settlement, transportation, and economic development; include southern, middle, and New England colonies.
New England New England Colonies Religion Native Americans Town Meetings Puritans came to escape persecution in England and for religious freedom; whole families of various churches came to New England and established small farms around towns As more settlers came, conflicts increased over land and cultural differences resulting in violence Colonists/church members met together to solve problems; meetings developed into legislatures…….. precedent of self-government
Massachusetts Founded in the 1620s by Puritans seeking religious freedom. Religious intolerance in Massachusetts led to the founding of other New England colonies – Rhode Island In 1684, loss of charter due to religious and independent attitude toward England’s Laws [Navigation Acts] – illegal smuggling and trade common in New England
New England Religious intolerance in Massachusetts led to founding of new colonies in New England Anne Hutchinson was banished from Massachusetts for preaching differently than the colony’s religious leaders. She founded her own settlement in RHODE ISLAND. Roger Williams was also banished for promoting unpopular religious views. He founded his own settlement in RHODE ISLAND.
Rhode Island Founded by Roger Williams because of the religious intolerance in Massachusetts
Salem Witch Trials Religious fear and hysteria led to the deaths of many in Salem, Massachusetts who were falsely accused of being witches. Clear example of the religious intolerance in New England
Half Way Covenant The HALFWAY COVENANT encourage people, specifically young adults, to join the church by cutting the number of “rules” in half Response to declining church membership due to rise of First Great Awakening revival movement
King Philip’s War War between New England colonists and Native Americans. Led to the destruction and removal of most Indian tribes in New England.
Standard – SSUSH 1 Describe European settlement in North America during the 17 th Century. Explain the development of the mid-Atlantic colonies; include the Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam {New York} and the subsequent English takeover, and the settlement of Pennsylvania. Explain the reasons for French settlement of Quebec. Analyze the impact of location and place on colonial settlement, transportation, and economic development; include southern, middle, and New England colonies.
The Dutch settle at “New Amsterdam” The English take over the Dutch settlement to gain control of Hudson River trade Pennsylvania is settled by “Quakers”; William Penn wants it to be a “Holy Experiment” with complete religious freedom Mid-Atlantic Colonies
Mid Atlantic Colonies Known as the “Bread Basket” Colonies. – wheat main crop/export Prosperous and diverse populations. Contained biggest cities – Philadelphia/New York
Pennsylvania Founded by William Penn as a safe haven for Quakers. Good relations with Native Americans and religious tolerance. Prosperous colony, with Philadelphia becoming the biggest city. Benjamin Franklin most prominent colonist.
New Amsterdam New Amsterdam renamed New York when the English forcibly took over and removed Dutch control. Dutch allowed a diverse and religious tolerant society to grow in New Amsterdam. English continued those policies.
Standard – SSUSH 1 Describe European settlement in North America during the 17 th Century. Explain the reasons for French settlement of Quebec. Analyze the impact of location and place on colonial settlement, transportation, and economic development; include southern, middle, and New England colonies.
Quebec Capitol city of New France. Became a fur trading center. Still a French speaking province in Canada.
French/Quebec FRENCH = FUR Fashion trend – using Beaver fur for hats encouraged building of more French trading posts in Canada
Standard – SSUSH 1 Describe European settlement in North America during the 17 th Century. Analyze the impact of location and place on colonial settlement, transportation, and economic development; include southern, middle, and New England colonies.
Location and Place - Geography New England – Geographic features of land encouraged creation of small family farms [No need for slaves] – Establishment of churches and towns built around church congregations – Colonists had little to trade to “Mother” country/England so precedent of illegal trading/smuggling common in New England – precedent of commerce and business – Religious intolerance led to creation of other colonies – Religious sentiment led to view of slavery as evil
Location and Place - Geography Virginia and the South – Geographic features of land encouraged creation of large farms/plantations to cultivate cash crops/ tobacco – Colonists main trading partner “Mother” country/England so plantations located near rivers to transport cash crops to England – Religious hypocrisy led to view of slavery as good for “savages” – Economic greed led to view of slavery as necessary
Location and Place - Geography Mid-Atlantic Colonies – Geographic features of land encouraged creation of wheat farms – Colonists main trading partner other colonies and then Mother England – need for infrastructure to bring goods to eastern/southern colonies – Proximity to Native Americans led to peaceful coexistence between colonists and American Indians – Tolerance key characteristics in Philadelphia and New York – led to diversity of cultures