Why talk about this in Southeast Asia?
Compact State A country with a roughly circular shape Examples Cambodia Zimbabwe Lesotho Uruguay France
Protruded State Definition: Countries that have an extended arm or panhandle of territory Examples: Myanmar Thailand Democratic Republic of the Congo Croatia Austria
Elongated State Definition: A state whose territory is long and narrow in shape Examples: Vietnam Chile Argentina Norway Malawi
Fragmented State Definition: a state that includes several discontinuous (not touching) pieces of territory. Examples: Philippines Indonesia United States United Kingdom Turkey
Perforated State Definition: A country that completely surrounds another country. Examples: South Africa Italy Non-example Spain and France
Practice Write the type of shape each of the following states is: 1. Florida
2. Michigan
3. Wyoming
4. Oklahoma
5. Rhode Island
6. Mississippi
Practice Write the type of shape each of the following states is: 1. Florida Elongated Protruded
2. Michigan Fragmented
3. Wyoming Compact
4. Oklahoma Protruded
5. Rhode Island Fragmented
6. Mississippi Elongated, Protruded