The Political Map of Colonial America Lesson 3 Page 13
Without using any helps, label: Knowledge Check Lesson 3: The Political Map of Colonial America the 13 British colonies in America the four regions of British colonial America
O BJECTIVES: I can locate the 13 British colonies in America. I can locate the four key British cities in America. I can locate the four British colonial regions. Lesson 3: The Political Map of Colonial America R 13
Attach the map of colonial America circa Lesson 3: The Political Map of Colonial America R 13
1213 THE POLITICAL MAP OF COLONIAL AMERICA Lesson 3 OBJECTIVES: Identify and locate the colonies of British colonial America. Identify key cities of British colonial America. Identify the four British colonial regions. KNOWLEDGE CHECK NOT in your notebook – label the 13 colonies and 4 regions
STEP 1: On the large map, color each colony: Connecticut Delaware Georgia Maryland Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Virginia Then label each colony. Add to your KEY. Use pages 86 and 118. Lesson 3: The Political Map of Colonial America
STEP 2: On the large map, locate the following Major British Cities: Boston, Massachusetts New York, New York Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Charleston, South Carolina Then label each city. Add to your KEY. Use pages 86 and 99 as resources. Lesson 3: The Political Map of Colonial America
STEP 3: Draw the boundaries of the four regions: Southern Colonies Middle Colonies New England Colonies Backcountry Then label each region. Add to your KEY. Use page 86 and 111 as resources. Lesson 3: The Political Map of Colonial America
Georgia – 1732 South Carolina – 1663* North Carolina – 1663* Virginia – 1607 Maryland – 1634 Delaware – 1638 Pennsylvania – 1682 New Jersey – 1630 New York – 1625 Connecticut – 1636 Rhode Island – 1636 Massachusetts – 1620 New Hampshire – SOUTHERN COLONIES MIDDLE COLONIES NEW ENGLAND COLONIES Lesson 3: The Political Map of Colonial America * Carolinas split in 1729
Boston – Massachusetts New York – New York Philadelphia – Pennsylvania Charleston – South Carolina KEY CITIES Lesson 3: The Political Map of Colonial America
Middle Colonies New England Colonies Southern Colonies Backcountry A B C D BRITISH COLONIAL REGIONS Lesson 3: The Political Map of Colonial America
L 12 WRAP-UP Based on the political map, what may be a natural outcome in North America? Why?