eServices Enablement Framework Session 4 RFP Composition
2 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Agenda Steps in doing an e-Government project Projects - according to the action plan Compose the RFP Agency activities - Compose the RFP Compose main document Compose functional requirements Compose non-functional requirements Compose appendices
3 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Steps in doing an e-Government project
4 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Analysis and RFP Development – RFP process
5 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Projects - according to the action plan Analysis and RFP Development Project initialization Business Analysis Technology Analysis Compose the RFP RFP Evaluation
6 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) (3) Compose the RFP Compose Main RFP document Compose non-functional requirements Compose functional requirements Plan the RFP development process Initial state: - business and technical analysis finished Final state: - the e-Service RFP composed and ready for publishing Agency
7 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Compose the RFP Compose the main RFP document Instructions for the bidder Terms & conditions, …… Compose the functional requirements Using the e-Services Framework - the functional part Business Process Mapping and Redesign (As-Is ->To-Be) Use Case Data/term-model Reuse or contribute to YEFI standards Service specification Compose non-functional requirements Using the e-Services Framework – the non-functional part Infrastructure (GSB, Security, e-Forms, ……) Performance, PM, QA, Education, ….) ……. (3) Compose the RFP
8 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Compose main document 1.Introduction 1.1.Issuing Office 1.2.Purpose 1.3.RFP Organization 1.4.Background 2.Current Situation 2.1.Current IT-system(s) 2.2.Current Processes and Modules 2.3.Project Objectives 2.4.Business Drivers 2.5.Business Value Proposition 3.Scope of work 3.1.Requirements Numbering Scheme 3.2.Functional Requirements 3.3.Non-Functional Requirements
9 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Compose functional requirements Processes Process model Process model Process specification Process specification Data model Data model Data model Data specification Data specification Use Cases Use Case model Use Case model Use Case specification Use Case specification Services Service specification Service specification Service-operations specification Service-operations specification
10 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Compose non-functional requirements 1.Web-Based Application RequirementsWeb-Based Application Requirements 2.Data Migration & Transformation RequirementsData Migration & Transformation Requirements 3.GSB Integration RequirementsGSB Integration Requirements 4.Technical Solution Architecture RequirementsTechnical Solution Architecture Requirements 5.Software RequirementsSoftware Requirements 6.Hardware RequirementsHardware Requirements 7.Development, Test, & Staging Environment RequirementsDevelopment, Test, & Staging Environment Requirements 8.Security RequirementsSecurity Requirements 9.Monitoring & Management RequirementsMonitoring & Management Requirements 10.Performance & Scalability RequirementsPerformance & Scalability Requirements 11.Implementation RequirementsImplementation Requirements 12.Maintenance & Support RequirementsMaintenance & Support Requirements 13.Change Enablement & Training RequirementsChange Enablement & Training Requirements 14.Operations RequirementsOperations Requirements 15.Quality Assurance & Acceptance RequirementsQuality Assurance & Acceptance Requirements 16.Proposal FormatProposal Format
11 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Compose appendices Appendix A - Instructions to Bidder and Proposal Submission and Evaluation Appendix A - Instructions to Bidder and Proposal Submission and Evaluation Appendix B - Standard Terms & Conditions Appendix B - Standard Terms & Conditions Appendix C - Requirements Compliance Matrix Appendix C - Requirements Compliance Matrix Appendix D - Bill of Materials & Information Tables for Technical Proposal Appendix D - Bill of Materials & Information Tables for Technical Proposal Appendix E - Training Template Appendix E - Training Template Appendix F - Bidders References Template Appendix F - Bidders References Template Appendix G - BOM for Financial Proposal Appendix G - BOM for Financial Proposal
12 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Estimation tool An estimation tool is a part of the framework. It can be used either under the development of the RFP or stand alone in other contexts The tool is covering these main subjects: Development Functionality Non-Functional Data conversion/migration Technical Hardware Software Licenses Network Project related expenses Test Project Management Documentation Post Project Maintenance and Support per year Operations per year
13 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Estimation tool
14 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) (4) RFP issuing and evaluation process Release the RFP Initial state: - the final e-Service RFP developed Final state: - e-Service vendor selected Select vendor Conduct Pre-Bid meeting Receive proposals Receive RFP Questions Evaluate proposals Submit Clarifications Answers Agency
15 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Evaluation Approach & Suggested Timeline 1 st Round of Evaluation: Technical Proposals Review & Scoring of Proposals 2 nd Round of Evaluation: Top 6** Bidders Presentations 3 rd Round of Evaluation: Review of Bidders Responses Suggested 1 to 2 weeksSuggested 2 WeeksSuggested 6 to 8 Weeks Final Evaluation Report. Combined technical & Financial Scores & Ranking 4 th Round of Evaluation: Bidders’ Technical Gap Analysis & Negotiation Suggested 2 weeks Bidders ranking & Scores Bidders Strength & Weaknesses Invitation for top 6 Bidders Bidders Response to Presentations Questions Updated Bidders ranking & Scores Bidders Strength & Weaknesses Final Technical recommendation Report ** Number of invited Bidder can change as appropriate
16 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Detailed Evaluation Plan WeeksActivityDeliverables Round 0: Preparation Form evaluation committee representing agency business and IT, and agency finance Form Technical evaluation team that includes two technical analysts / consultants and one experienced technical consultant with relevant experience to the RFP technical solution Evaluation committee members Technical evaluation team members Round 1: Week 1 through Week 8 Conduct initial survey of all proposals, use the Bidders Responses Survey.xls worksheet to determine bidders compliance with RFP submission requirements and identify knock-off candidatesBidders Responses Survey.xls Compliance matrices preparation – add calculation. Review and Scoring of technical Proposals by the evaluation team(s). Send invitation letter to top n ranked bidders Knock-off Candidate Ranked bidders list based on technical scores and criteria Bidders scores and scoring sheets Summary of Bidders Strengths & Weaknesses Preparation of Invitation letter to top n ranked bidders Schedule of presentation for top n bidders & obtain confirmation for scheduled presentations for invited bidders
17 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Detailed Evaluation Plan (Contd.) WeeksActivityDeliverables Round 2: Week 9 through Week 10 Invited bidders to present their technical proposals Evaluation committee and technical evaluation team should attend top n bidders’ presentations Request from bidders to submit responses and clarifications to questions raised within one week. Round 3: Week 11 through Week 12 Bidders are to submit responses to questions raised during presentations Review of received Bidders’ responses Technical evaluation team should update scores and ranking as well as prepare for strengths and weaknesses evaluation for invited bidders Revised bidders scores and scoring sheets Revised ranked Bidders based on technical scores and criteria for invited bidders Revised summaries of Bidders Strengths & Weaknesses for invited bidders Ranked invited bidders based on technical and financial criteria Round 4: Week 13 through Week 14 Select one or two bidders to perform technical gap analysis and negotiation Conduct meetings with selected bidder(s) for technical negotiation and technical gap analysis Detailed technical gap analysis for selected 1 or 2 bidders Final evaluation & recommendation report
18 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Evaluation stage deliverables Key Deliverables: Bidders ranking based on Technical Proposal evaluation Bidders Technical score sheets Summary of Bidders strengths and weakness Bidders ranking based on Technical Proposal Evaluation and Financial score Final Evaluation Recommendation Report
19 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Questions and answers
20 Copyright e-Government Program (Yesser) Break Break !