Centralized Bidder Inquiry System An example of a sample project inquiry
Projects are shown with a bidder inquiry link on the advertisement, showing how many inquiries each project has
When clicking on the link for the inquiries, you are shown the existing inquiries, along with a link to submit a new inquiry. A Caltrans Connect account is required to submit an inquiry.
User information is pulled from the Connect login, and the user enters the inquiry text, then clicks the Submit button
Once submitted, s are sent to both Caltrans construction staff, and a receipt is sent to the bidder who filled out the inquiry
A “receipt” of the inquiry is sent to the bidder by .
Once a response has been posted by Caltrans, the bidder receives an directing them to the website with the response
The inquiry response is now posted for everyone bidding the project to see, along with the submittal and response dates.
Any bidder that looks at the listing for this project from this point on will see that there are bidder inquiries