Jade Bridges, Sydney Cardell, Kayla Cleland IMPERATIVE TÚ COMMANDS
When using the ___________ tú form, you drop off the infinitive then conjugate it 3 rd person present tense. Example: Comer = Bailar = Vivir = NOTES AR o amos as áis a an ER o emos/imos es éis/ís e en
All IDOP and DO rules still apply! Any time you add to the end, count back 3 syllables and add an (accent mark´) Give me it! = damelo =
There are 8 irregulars (ONLY in positive) Decir- diTener- ten Hacer- hazVenir- ven Ir- ve Poner- pon Salir- sal Ser- se
The negative tú form is different. You go to 1 st person present tense, take off the infinitive, subtract the O & add opposite endings. (es/as) Example: Comer = Bailar = Vivir =
In the ___________ form, do not attach the IDOP/DO to the verb. Don’t tell me it! = no me lo ________
Verbs that end in GAR: g - gu Ex: pagar – pague Verbs that end in GER/GIR: g - j Ex: escoger – escoja Verbs that end in GUIR: gu – g Ex: extinguir – extinga Verbs that end in CER/CIR: c – z Ex: convencer - convenza OTHER RULES
Verbs end in CAR: c – qu Ex: tocar – toque Verbs end in ZAR: z – c Ex: comenzar - comience
Conjugate in the positive tú form Come here! Vener aquí GAME TIME
Conjugate in the positive tú form Love me! Me amar GAME TIME
Conjugate in the positive tú form Shut up! Callarse GAME TIME
Conjugate in the negative tú form Don’t tell lies! No decir mentiras GAME TIME
Conjugate in the negative tú form Don’t have kids at fourteen! No tener niños a catorce años GAME TIME