Open the application home page through the URL http://mpeprocurement
Enter your “UserName & Password” to Login
Click “OK”
Select “Digital Certificate” and Click “OK”
Click “OK” to proceed
Click “OK” to proceed
Click on the “New Tenders” Click on “New Tenders” Click on the “New Tenders”
Select “Goods” in Tender Category Now, Click on “Search” to proceed
Here are the Tenders “Active” for bid submission
Click on the Icon as shown to see notification for a particular tender
Click on the Icon as shown to upload documents required for bid submission
Click on the Icon as shown to upload Documents
Click on “Browse” to select a File
Enter file description in the “File Description Box “
Attach all the documents in the same way
Click on the “Attach the Documents” to proceed
Select your Certificate to continue
Click on the “DashBoard” to proceed
Click on the Icon as shown in “Task to do” section to proceed
Now click on the link as shown to “Down load” Tender document
For HELP, Click on the Icon as shown
Click on the Icon as shown below to “Submit Bid”
Check “I Agree the Terms and Conditions” Click “Continue” to proceed
Click “Save & Continue” to proceed
Click on the Icon as shown to Submit Bid Form for a particular stage
Click on the Icon as shown to proceed
Here is a form to be filled by the bidder
Fill in the entries and Click “OK” to proceed
Now click “Save & Close”
Click on “Back to Tender Stages” to proceed
Click on the Icon as shown to attach the documents
Click on the Icon as shown to Proceed
Select document in the New Window and Click on the “Insert Checked Files”
Click “Save & Close” to proceed
Fill in all the Forms and attach their respective documents in the same way
Click on the Icon as shown to submit “Price Bid Form”
Click on the Icon as shown to proceed
This is the Price Bid form
Fill in the entries as asked
Click on the “Final Submit” to continue
Select your “Signature”
Click on the “Back to Tender Stages” to continue
Attach the documents required for “Price Bid”
Click on the “Submit Bid” to submit bid
Click on “Confirm Final Submit” to proceed
Your bid has been successfully submitted Please remember your Bid No. for future reference
Thanks for using this Manual In case of any difficulty, please contact the C1India Help Desk Team at the following address:- Technical Support Team Mr. Sandeep Ghose Mr. Chetan Naval 6th Floor, Panchanan Building Malviya Nagar, Bhopal-462003 Ph: 0755-4226890 Email: