1 Strictly Private & Confidential
2 Submitted to: H.E. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Head of KIA-N PIU State of Sudan Disclaimer This presentation document contains information which is proprietary to Ethraa; and is (and is intended to remain) confidential, being provided for the exclusive use of the intended addressee and may be legally privileged. If you have reason to believe you are not the intended addressee(s); disclosing, copying, disseminating or otherwise taking any action in connection with this document or the information in; it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have reason to believe you have accessed this document in error, please notify Ethraa, comply with the foregoing warning and delete this document from your system. This document shall not constitute binding legal obligation with the company..
3 KIA-A Khartoum Int’l Airport (New)
Main Contract 5 First Zone Landside Infrastructure First Zone Landside Infrastructure Second Zone Terminals and Buildings Second Zone Terminals and Buildings Third Zone Ancillaries Facilities Third Zone Ancillaries Facilities EPCF of $ 530 million Saudi Binladin Group is low bidder for the estimated $530 million Khartoum New International Airport project after the opening of prices. Turkey's TAV is ranked second on price, followed in third place by an unidentified Chinese contractor. The 42-month engineering, procurement and construction contract covers the core facilities of the Greenfield airport, located at Omdurman, 40 kilometers southwest of the capital. Germany's Dorsch Consult is the project manager (MEED 1:12:06).
Preparatory Contracts 6 Fourth Package Fence around operational Area Fourth Package Fence around operational Area LCC of $ 15 million Tele-Logistics & Compound First Package 10km road to the site First Package 10km road to the site Second Package Water Facilities and Networks Second Package Water Facilities and Networks Third Package Power Supply for Construction Third Package Power Supply for Construction
Investment Opportunities 7 Airport Train Um-Haraz Bridge City Air Terminal
KIA-N Free Zone 8 Khartoum is located at the crossroads of international aviation and lines attached to each other means of transportation within the Sudan and the West and South Africa, which generates the movement of passengers and goods from all over the world to Sudan and from Sudan especially nations which do not have access to the sea; which encourage the manufacture and assembly of electronics and the quarrying and export of meat and other exports will be free zone as follows: Business. 2. Investment. 3. Electrons Collection - food manufacturing…. etc. (industrial) 4. Banking Services Free Zone
Investments-1 9
Investments-2 10
Schedule & Funds 11 February 12th, 2010 وقعت وزارة المالية والإقتصاد الوطني بالأحرف الأولى على تمويل مطار الخرطوم الجديد بين السودان والصندوق العربي للإنماء الإقتصادي والإجتماعي بكلفة (175) مليون دولار February 12th, 2010 وقعت وزارة المالية والإقتصاد الوطني بالأحرف الأولى على تمويل مطار الخرطوم الجديد بين السودان والصندوق العربي للإنماء الإقتصادي والإجتماعي بكلفة (175) مليون دولار May 7th, 2010 Sudan and the Jeddah-based Islamic Development Bank (IDB) have signed a 120 million USD loan agreement to fund implementation of the Khartoum New Airport May 7th, 2010 Sudan and the Jeddah-based Islamic Development Bank (IDB) have signed a 120 million USD loan agreement to fund implementation of the Khartoum New Airport January 14th, 2010 Khartoum Airport receives 680 million for completion of the project from an Arab investment fund January 14th, 2010 Khartoum Airport receives 680 million for completion of the project from an Arab investment fund
Master Plan 12
Concerns 13 Legal Financial Investment Regulations Cost & Budget Controls Cost & Budget Controls New Title Deeds New Title Deeds Commercial Models & Streams Commercial Models & Streams FDIs’ Incentives Baseline Scrutiny Expired & Current Engagements Expired & Current Engagements Fiscal Strategy Interdepartmental Jurisdictions Tax Schemes Operational Scope Verifications Scope Verifications Information Management Procurement Strategies Governance & Quality Governance & Quality OSS Strategy & Operations OSS Strategy & Operations
Proposal 14 Creating Funds Management Develop a PPP Model & Instruments Develop a PPP Model & Instruments Audit & Revise Scope & Deliverables Audit & Revise Scope & Deliverables Distribution of Shares & Equities Distribution of Shares & Equities Audit & Revise Procurement Framework Audit & Revise Procurement Framework Structure Incentives & Rewards Structure Incentives & Rewards Management of Commercial Components Management of Allocations & Dividends Management of Allocations & Dividends Management of Construction
Investment Model Investment Model Assignment 15 Bankability Certify KYC & Baselines Certify KYC & Baselines Brand & Sales Project Delivery Exit Management of Initiation & Baselines Management of Initiation & Baselines Management of Compliance Management of Branding, Marketing & Sales Management of Branding, Marketing & Sales Management of Implementation Management of Close-out Management of Development Scope Deliverables Role Optional: Development Manager/Owner Representative Optional: Development Manager/Owner Representative Main Task Master Planning Formation of Main Consortium Formation of Main Consortium SPVs Creation SPVs Creation Projects & Products Delivery Special Purpose Manager
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