A bicycle has a mass of 13. 1 kg, and its rider has a mass of 81. 7 kg A bicycle has a mass of 13.1 kg, and its rider has a mass of 81.7 kg. The rider is pumping hard, so that a horizontal net force of 9.78 N accelerates them. What is the acceleration?
Scientists are experimenting with a type of gun that may eventually be used to fire payloads directly into orbit. In one test, this gun accelerates a 5 kg projectile from rest to a speed of 4000 m/s. The net force accelerating the projectile in 4.9 x 105 N. How much time is required for the projectile to reach top speed?
Two forces FA and FB are applied to an object whose mass is 8. 0 kg Two forces FA and FB are applied to an object whose mass is 8.0 kg. The larger force is FA. When both forces point east, the object’s acceleration has a magnitude of 0.5 m/s2. However, when FA points east and FB points west the acceleration is 0.4 m/s2 east. Find FA and FB.
Two forces act on the 5 kg block shown in the drawing Two forces act on the 5 kg block shown in the drawing. The magnitudes of the forces are F1 = 45 N and F2 = 25 N. What is the horizontal acceleration of the block?
The speed of a bobsled is increasing, because it has an acceleration of 2.4 m/s2. At a given instant in time, the forces resisting the motion, including kinetic friction and air resistance, total 450 N. The mass of the bobsled and its riders is 270 kg. What is the force providing the push on the bobsled?
W1 = 55 N, W2 = 35 N, W3 = 28 N. What is the magnitude of the normal force that the table exerts on box 1?
The drawing show a circus clown who weighs 890 N The drawing show a circus clown who weighs 890 N. The coefficient of static friction between his feet and the ground is 0.53. With what force must he pull down on the rope to pull his feet out from under himself?
A penguin slides at a constant velocity of 1.4 m/s down an icy incline. The incline slopes above the horizontal at an angle of 6.9o. At the bottom of the incline, the penguin slides onto a horizontal patch of ice. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the penguin and the ice is the same for the incline as for the horizontal patch. How much time is required for the penguin to slide to a halt after entering the horizontal patch of ice?
The moons period is 27 d 8 h and the radius of its orbit is 383438 km The moons period is 27 d 8 h and the radius of its orbit is 383438 km. What is the mass of the Earth?
A satellite is in a circular orbit around and unknown planet A satellite is in a circular orbit around and unknown planet. The satellite has a speed of 1.7 X 104 m/s, and the radius of the orbit is 5.25 X106 m. A second satellite also has a circular orbit around this same planet. The orbit of this second satellite has a radius of 8.6 X 106 m. What is the orbital speed of the second satellite?