EPS 2003 Conference Aachen, Germany Eugeni Graugés (U.B) for the BaBar Collaboration Radiative Penguin BaBar B K * B , B and B X s 1
Flavour Changing Neutral Current decay processes The SM forbids them at tree level Do occur via loop processes involving heavy particles (W,top). Inclusive final states: theoretically cleaner, but with experimentally difficult background suppression Exclusive final states: large theoretical uncertainties from hadronic form factors, but clearer experimental signatures Radiative Penguin Decays 2
Their SM predictions can be changed dramatically if there is new physics! (Huth hep-ph/ ) since new particles (Higgs and SUSY) can enhance their otherwise small SM decay rates: >> Branching Fraction for B X s (E >1.6 GeV in B rest frame): B (B X s ) = (3.60 ± 0.30)·10 -4 Gambino & Misiak, Nuc. Phys. B611, 338 (2001) B (B ) = (0.85 ± 0.34)·10 -6 Ali & Parkhomenko, Eur. Phys. J. C.23, 89 (2002) B (B ) = (0.49 ± 0.18)·10 -6 hep-ph/ >> B (B )/ B (B K* ) is proportional to |V td | 2 /|V ts | 2 The exclusive process with a Branching Ratio predicted to be B (B ) = (7.1 ± 2.5)·10 -5 (Bosch & Buchalla hep-ph/ ) have a small A CP (~ 1%) which is very sensitive to non-SM extra contributions that might cause CP-violating charge asymmetries as high as 20% SM predictions & New Physics Potential 3 CKM Unitariety Triangle
Event Selection 4 Isolated High Energy (1.5 < E * < 3.5 GeV ) Shower lateral profile consistent with EM shower Veto if combined with other in event makes 0 / (those not vetoed are a significant background) K Identification K Rejection Use DIRC Reverse Kaon ID criteria Useful for B to reject B K * events → *(K + - ) Fish-Eye view Not to scale
Continuum Background Rejection 5 The qq,(q=u,d,s,c) “underneath” the bb Exploit the B-decay isotropy vs the “jet-like” topology of qq events Use B properties and shape variables wrt to : decay angle, z, flavour tag, cos Thrust, energy flow. Cuts on combination of variables (Fisher Discriminant or Neural Network). NN plot on control sample and off-resonance data: CMS
Exclusive processes 6 Reconstruct B meson using the final state products: B K * B ( Advantage: use kinematic signature for B decays Express energy and momentum conservation as m ES E *2 beam -P *2 B E=E * B -E * beam (*=CMS frame)
Finding these events is experimentally very challenging: Low branching ratios ~1 x Large continuum background (ISR + ). Neural Net fed with multiple variables is use to effectively remove the background resonance is much wider (149 MeV) than K* B ( Large B background from has to be removed. E resolution limited by energy measurement Irreducible background from 7
B(B 0 0 ) < 1.2·10 90%CL B(B ± ) < 2.1·10 90% CL B(B 0 ) < 1.0·10 90% CL A total of 78 fb -1 data are used B / Results (hep-ex/ submitted to PRL) A multi-dimensional maximum likelihood fit is used to extract signal yields. No Evidence of signal, upper limits are set: 8 B 0 0 , 0 + - B ± ± , ± + B 0 , + - Preliminary
|V td |/|V ts | limit from B / Assuming (isospin symmetry) B(B ) = B(B ± ± ) = 2 x B(B 0 0 ) Then the upper limit obtained B(B ) < Using (Ali & Parkhomenko Eur. Phys. J. C.23, 89 (2002)) B(B )/B(B K * ) = |V td /V ts | 2 2 |1+ R| (1-m 2 /M B 2 ) 3 /(1-m K* 2 /M B 2 ) 3 And assuming =0.76±0.10, R=0.0±0.2; |V td |/|V ts 90% CL B limit Preliminary
Inclusive Processes 10 HQET: Quark-Hadron Duality B(b -> s ) = B(B -> X s ) s b b Xs B Identify from B X s , but With the signal selected there is still ~10 3 more background than Signal. Challenge is to reduce bkg while minimizing stat.+sys.+model errors Two approaches: Fully Inclusive Semi Inclusive B -> X s BB qq
BXsBXs 11 Semi-InclusiveFully Inclusive Background Rejection (Exclusive States)Lepton tags Efficiency3%1% Fraction of Xs states: 50% 100% qq bkg estimationSideband subtractionOff-resonance data BB bkg estimation Monte Carlo (peaking) Sideband sub. (non-pk) M. Carlo – data validated X-feed bkg estimation Monte Carlo (peaking) Sideband sub. (non-pk) No X-feed Spectral Resolution Mxs ~ 5 MeV E~100 MeV Model DependenceXs, K*/Xs, M xs cutEE
B(B X s ) = (3.88 ± 0.36 (stat) ± 0.37 (syst) (model))·10 -4 Fully Inclusive B X s Data BB expected events Integrated to obtain Branching Fraction Preliminary Data sample 54 fb -1 Signal events integrated between 2.1 and 2.7 GeV to extract branching fraction [2.1; 2.7] GeV Dominant Stat error due to ~6fb -1 off- resonance used for continuum subtraction Dominant Syst error from BB subtraction ( and from B decays can fake ) X d events subtracted using theory prediction: (4.0±1.6)% ( Continuum Back. subtracted) hep-ex/
Semi-Inclusive B X s exclusive states) = K + /K 0 s +up to 3 (1 0 ), 12 states Observe discrepancy in JETSET simulation of Xs fragmentation. Efficiency from Monte Carlo weighted to correct discrepancy Correct for undetected modes M ES (GeV) 1.4 < M Xs < 1.6 GeV =2.35 0.04 (stat.) 0.04(sys.) =0.37 0.09 (stat.) 0.07(sys.) 0.10(th.) GeV (Using Ligeti et.al PRD 60, (1999)) & m b =4.79 0.08 (stat.) 0.10(sys.) 0.10(th.) GeV (Ligeti et al. Phys. Review D 60, , 1999) E in B reference system Preliminary
B(B X s ) = (4.3 ± 0.5 (stat) ± 0.8 (syst) ± 1.3 (model) )·10 -4 Semi-Inclusive B X s Branching fraction extracted from fit to the spectrum 14 - Fix m b =4.79 and fit using spectrum Kagan & Neubert Euro.Phys. J. C 7,5(1999) Preliminary Data sample 20 fb-1
measurements 15 - Preliminary
BaBar is measuring with high statistics and precision: B K * (20 fb -1 ) B(B 0 K *0 ) = (4.23 ± 0.40 (stat) ± 0.22 (syst))·10 -5 B(B ± K ± ) = (3.83 ± 0.62 (stat) ± 0.22 (syst))· < A CP < 90% CL Upper limits on B / (78 fb -1 ) B(B 0 0 ) < 1.2·10 90%CL B(B ± ± ) < 2.1·10 90% CL B(B 0 ) < 1.0·10 90% CL Branching Fraction and spectrum for B X s inclusive B(B X s ) = (3.88 ± 0.36 (stat) ± 0.47 (syst) (model))·10 -4 (54 fb -1 ) semiexcl. = 2.35 ± 0.04 (stat) ± 0.04 (syst) GeV (20 fb -1 ) semiexcl. B(B X s ) = (4.3 ± 0.5 (stat) ± 0.8 (syst) ± 1.3 (model) )·10 -4 (20 fb -1 ) Conclusions
17 Backup Slides
B K *(892) (PRL 88:101805, 2002) 18 B(B 0 K *0 ) = (4.23 ± 0.40 (stat) ± 0.22 (syst))·10 -5 B(B ± K *± ) = (3.83 ± 0.62 (stat) ± 0.22 (syst))·10 -5 B(B K* )-B(B K* ) B(B K* )+B(B K* ) < A CP < 90% CL Data analyzed = 20 fb -1 B 0 K 0* K 0* K + - B ± K ±* K ±* K ± B 0 K 0* K 0* K s 0 B ± K ±* K ±* K s 0 ± A CP = Only the modes s , and Are used to compute the CP-violating Charge asymmetry.
B / Upper 90% CL BaBar BELLE CLEO Theory (Ali&Parkomenko) B(B 0 0 ) < 1.2·10 -6 < 2.6·10 -6 < 17·10 -6 = (0.49±0.18)·10 -6 B(B ± ± ) < 2.1·10 -6 < 2.7·10 -6 < 13·10 -6 = (0.90±0.34)·10 -6 B(B 0 ) < 1.0·10 -6 < 4.4·10 -6 < 9.2·10 -6 = (0.49±0.18)· Preliminary
PEPII is a B factory running at energies around the (4s) resonance.(E CM =10.6GeV) Its asymmetry in beam energies 9.0 GeV and 3.1 GeV) allows the measurement of time-dependent CP violating asymmetries in the decay of neutral B mesons with a boost = 0.56 in the LAB frame) " B meson decay channels interesting to study CP violation have small branching ratios (10 -4 ) Several tens of million of neutral B meson pairs needed to measure CP asymmetries with 10% error Luminosities of to cm -2 s -1 B Factory
The detector SVT: 5 double side layers, 97% efficiency, 15 mm z hit resolution DCH : 40 axial and stereo layers Tracking: (p T )/p T = 0.13 % p T %, s(z 0 ) = 1 GeV/c DIRC: 144 quartz bars EMC: 6580 CsI(Tl) crystals E /E = 2.3 % E -1/4 1.9 % IFR: 19 RPC layers, muon and K L id
Data Sample Data taken at the Y(4S): RUN1 ~ 20fb -1 RUN2 ~ 61 fb -1 RUN3 ~ 35 fb -1 so far 22
No monocromatic spectrum because of b motion within B meson Photon Energy Spectrum 23 Experimentally hard to suppress background at low energy Lower energy cut on the energy in all the experimental measurements We use Kagan and Neubert's (Euro. Phys, Jour. C7,5, 1999) HQET next-to-leading order spectrum Eg. E >2.2GeV corresponds to ~ 80% of all the spectrum From moments analysis of spectrum extraction of HQET parameters. From first moment of spectrum (Ligeti et al. Phys. Review D 60, , 1999) measures the energy of the light degrees of freedom Hurth hep-ph/
B X s Branching Ratios 24 S. Playfer, CKM workshop II Preliminary
B K * Branching Ratios 25 Theoretical speculation of 10% isospin breaking (Kagan & Neubert hep- ph/ ) can be tested soon Preliminary B 0 K 0* B ± K ±* S. Playfer, CKM workshop II