Adelie Penguins
Adelie Penguin Facts Adelie penguins are the smallest of the penguins living on the Antarctica continent. They are about 28 inches tall and weigh about 8 to 9 lbs. They have a white belly with a black head and back. They have a white ring around the eye. Feathers cover most of the short beak. They don't drink water but eat snow.
Adelie Penguins
King Penguins
King Penguin Facts The king penguin, second in size only to the huge emperor penguin, is one of the biggest birds around. The king penguin runs with its feet and doesn't hop while on land! They live on the coasts of the Antarctic islands. King penguins do not build nests, but tuck their single egg under their bellies while resting it on their feet! Mother and father penguin take turns keeping the egg warm in the cold.
King Penguins
Black Footed Penguin
Black Footed Penguin Facts Black-footed Penguins weigh about 6.5 pounds and grow to height of 28 inches. The body of the Black-footed Penguin is shaped like a bowling pin and its feet are webbed. Of all eighteen species of penguins recognized in the world, the Black-footed Penguins are the only ones found in warm southern and southwestern Africa. The Black Footed penguin is known to eat twenty-five species of fish, eighteen species of crustaceans, three species of squid, and one species of polychaete. Forty-two percent of its diet is made up of fish.
Black Footed Penguins
Emperor Penguin
Emperor Penguin Facts Emperor penguins are the largest of the 17 species of penguins. They spend their entire lives on the cold Antarctic ice and in its waters. The father balances the egg on his feet and covers it with his belly, a very warm layer of feathered skin designed to keep the egg cozy. The father stands up for about 65 days and they eat nothing that whole time. The Emperor Penguin stands about 4 ft tall and weighs between 44 to 99 lb.
Macaroni Penguins
They stand about 28 inches tall and weigh 11 to 13 lbs. The egg is kept warm by the father and the mother in long shifts. The egg usually hatches within 33 to 37 days. Macaroni Penguins eat a variety of crustaceans, squid and fish. Macaroni Penguins live in Antarctic and subantarctic regions of the world. Macaroni Penguins usually kick the first-laid egg out of the nest soon after the second egg is laid and only one egg ever hatches.
Penguins All penguins are birds, mostly black and white. Any penguin you see is a beautiful sight!