Conservation of New Zealand’s Seabirds Alan Tennyson Museum of NZ Te Papa Tongarewa
NZ’s Seabirds c.300 seabirds worldwide 98 breed in NZ region Another 47 occur in NZ waters 15 penguins 79 albatrosses and petrels 23 pelicans, gannets, shags, darters, frigatebirds & tropicbirds 28 skuas, gulls, terns © A Tennyson
79 tubenoses = albatrosses and petrels 17 albatrosses 8 storm petrels 2 diving petrels 52 procellarids
Vast range © P Carey
Nesting - slow breeders © A Tennyson
Threat status Half NZ’s breeding species threatened
Threats to seabirds Introduced predators Pollution Fishing Climate change
Introduced mammals - 2 species extinct
Fisheries interactions By-catch –Longlining –Trawling –Gill-netting Food supplies
Longlining around Southern Ocean from Birdlife international Longliner map Green = grey-headed albatross; Blue = black-browed albatross; Purple = royal albatross; Dark grey = giant petrel; Buff = light- mantled sooty albatross Largest red circles = > 4 million hooks set per year
Longlining - 1-2,000 per year in NZ - Nearly half are albatrosses © N Brothers
Trawler kills 1-2,000 per year in NZ © G Hutching Forest & Bird
White-capped albatross observed capture rate (birds/100 trawls) (Abraham 2009)
Gill-netting - ?numbers © R Greenaway
Food supplies
Climate change? - rockhopper penguin 95% decline Effects on southern seabirds poorly understood and variable Positives -little penguins in Australia enhanced breeding -increased bb molly in NZ region and Heard -king penguin incr at Heard -Ross Sea Adelies increases -Chinstraps incr and expanded south bcos more open water -Emperor hatching better in warmer conditions Negatives -short-tailed shearwaters travel further for food -W Ant Penin Adelies decreased -incr Emperor mortality -NZ crested penguin popns mainly decreasing as food moves further from shore -Increased GP predation on Antarctic petrels due to extra snow allowing petels better access to petrels at Casey Station
What’s been done? - Colony pests eradicated - Greater awareness, broader at-sea monitoring - Legal protection at sea - Unsafe fisheries eliminated or restricted - Mitigation techniques introduced/trialled - Fisheries levies allowing colony monitoring Drift-netting banned Trawler cable ban [photo bird on cable]
© N Brothers - More predator control - More awareness - More monitoring at sea and at colonies - More compulsory fishing technique mitigation - Unsafe techniques eliminated or restricted through area closures - Sustainable fisheries, including food supplies What needs doing?
© C Miskelly
Sooty shearwater migrations revealed by geolocation loggers
Photo Photo Angus Wilson Photo footed_Albatross footed_Albatross