PENGUINS By Courtney Deal
Table of Contents Temperature Predators Diet Pastimes Catching Food Penguins Are Birds Habitats Temperature Predators Diet Pastimes Catching Food Penguin Chicks Fasting Species Rookery
Penguins Are Birds Cannot fly 75% of time is spent underwater Avg. speed under water- 15 mph Cannot breathe under water
Habitat South America Sub Antarctic Africa Antarctica Magellanic Humboldt Gentoo Rockhopper Macaroni Galapogos King Royal Macaroni Gentoo Rockhopper Australia New Zealand African Emperor Adelie Gentoo Chinstrap Little (Blue) Fjordland Snares Island Erect-Crested Rockhopper Yellow-Eyed
Temperature Warm blooded Body temperature-100F Blubber, down, waterproof feathers Huddle together for warmth
Predators Leopard Seals Sea lions Orcas Australian Sea Eagle Ferrets Cats Snakes Lizards Foxes Rats
Pastimes Tobogganing Surfing Diving
Diet Krill, squid, fish Antarctic/Subantarctic species: krill & squid Northern species: fish Different food preferences reduces competition krill
Catching Food At sea, 50-60 ft of surface Catch prey w/bills Swallow whole while swimming Bioluminescence
Fasting During breeding season Annual molting period Chicks shed juvenile feathers molting
Penguin Chicks Female leaves male w/ eggs Female returns and male leaves After hatching, immediately calls Voice recognition
Boulders beach Penguin Rookery “reproductive areas” Same mate Same spot Mate, nest, and raise chicks King pen. Rookery in S. Georgia Island in Antarctica South African Photos Boulders beach Penguin Rookery
Adelie Smallest of Antarctic Named after French expl. wife in 1830s 2 ft 8-9 lbs Fight over rocks ↑2.5 million breeding prs. Live in groups of 10,000
African 2 ft tall 7-11 lbs Coast of S. Africa Declined to 150,000 Protected species AKA Blackfoot
Blue Smallest 25cm high 1 kg Come ashore @night, live in burrows Live at home all year
Chinstrap 2 ft 10 lbs Most common-13 million Live on large icebergs Krill and fish
Emperor Largest-4ft 90 lbs Lay 1 egg Male cares for egg Stands w/ egg on feet for 9 wks w/o food Female returns after egg hatches
Erect-Crested Total popul. 200,000 breeding pairs Nest in shallow holes Can raise/lower feathers on crest “Sclater’s Penguin”
Fjordland 40 cm 4kg Yellow crest w/ white on cheeks 2nd egg hatches 1st 3,000 breeding pairs
Galapagos Galapagos Islands Humboldt Current Smallest warm weather penguin 1,000 breeding pairs 19 in tall 6 lbs El Niño caused 70% mortality
Gentoo 3ft 13 lbs Wide white stripe on head Nest in grasslands-stones, grass, sticks Fights over stones Pairs stay together throughout year
Humboldt Can swim at 7 kph Can sprint at 14 kph Humboldt Current “inshore” feeders Both parents care for the chicks
King 2nd largest- 3ft 35 lbs Orange spots near ears & on neck Fish, squid, crustaceans 1 egg
Macaroni Named after an English hairstyle Largest of the Crested variety 70cm tall 4-5.5 kg Total breeding pop.-12,000,000 2 eggs, 1 chick
Magellanic Named after Ferdinand Magellan 2ft 3in 9 lbs Largest of warm weather species Form underground nesting colonies
Rockhopper Hop from rock to rock Able to hop 4-5 ft While at sea, roam 100 miles from land Only penguins to enter water feet first
Royal Breed at Macquarie Island 500,000 pairs 1st egg is discarded Chicks hatch in 30 days After molt, parents remain at sea
Snares 40 cm 3 kg Bare skin at base of bill Colonies of 1,500 pairs Popul.-30,000 pairs Male guards, female forages
Yellow-Eyed Band of yellow feathers Coast of New Zealand Rarest of all species Only estimated 1,500 breeding pairs
Bibliography “Diet and Eating Habits.” 4/14/04. (4/7/04) “Kidzone Penguin Facts.” 4/12/04. (4/5/04). “Oamuru Blue Penguin Colony.” 4/14/04. (4/13/04). “Fact Sheet: Humboldt Penguin.” 4/13/04. (4/13/04). “Australian Antarctic Division.” 4/14/04. (4/13/04). “Snares Crested.” http:// 4/13/04. (4/13/04). “Penguins In Antarctica.” 5/19/03. (4/13/04). “King Penguin Rookery On South Antarctica.” 4/12/04. (4/12/04). “Oddwidget’s South African Photos: Boulders Beach Penguin Rookery.” 4/12/04. (4/12/04). “Pete and Barb’s Penguin Pages.” 4/15/04. http:/// (4/15/04).
Bibliography Continued Rockhopper Penguin.” 4/15/04. (4/15/04). “Galapagos Penguin.” 4/15/04. (4/15/04).