Birds By Michelle Anderson and Carly Poesch Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Class Aves
Habitat In time, birds have adapted to live in diverse regions including: Forests, mountains, deserts, oceans, marshes, and many more
Food Source Early in earth’s history, birds ate animal food, but seed eating came later They now eat almost everything including: Nectar, roots, grass, and seeds
Importance to Humans and Environment Birds that eat other animals or, predator birds, have an important role in the food chain. They keep rodents under control, helping farmers. Birds help stop the spread of some diseases. Birds spread pollen and seed to help reproduction of plants.
Unique Characteristics For a 170 lb. man to exert as much energy as a bird, he would have to eat 285 lbs of hamburger or double his weight in potatoes. Some birds have hollow bones to make them lighter, so they can fly. Some birds can maintain a body temp of 40 degrees Celsius even on cold winter days
Skeletal/Support System Click here
Respiration Click Here
Respiration Birds need a steady stream of oxygen to fly, and to be able to release large amounts of CO2 The respiration cycle of a bird is much more effective than a mammals, transferring more air with each breath Basically, birds breath in and out at the same time
Reproductive System 95% of birds are socially monogamous, they pair with one mate for at least the length of the breeding season. Cloaca is the reproductive organ in birds. Eggs are fertilized and given nutrients inside the female before the hard shell forms.
Sensory/Nervous system Birds are very intelligent, they must fly at high speeds, catch prey from long distances, and migrate thousands of miles. This demands lots of gathering and processing information Bird senses are more advanced than humans. Birds have great vision, but taste and smell are not as well developed.
Sensory System-Migration Birds have a sixth sense-to migrate It is a magnetic sense; like an internal compass Some few birds, do not have this sense and have learned to use the stars for migration
Circulatory System Birds have a closed circulatory system. A Closed Circulatory system is a blood circulation system in which blood moves through the body in closed vessels.
Excretory System Bird’s waste systems are much like reptiles Waste is removed from blood from the kidney Then converted to uric acid and put in the cloaca There water is absorbed and bird droppings are formed
Digestive System Click Here
Examples Flamingo Toucan King Penguin Humming Bird
Bird Flight
Feathers Feathers are an adaptation that has enabled them to become successful. Birds have been around since the time of the dinosaurs
Beak Adaptations The beaks are adapted to the kind of food the bird eats. The toucan has a large, strong beak to slice food The long beak of a pelican is ideal for getting fish
Bird Feet Birds have hind limbs used for walking, swimming, running, or perching Front limbs have modified into wings
Endotherms Definition of Endotherms: The heat from within The bird’s body is insulated enough to conserve most of its metabolic energy. They can maintain a constant high body temp
Orders There are 27 orders of birds N200804040938263766 There are 27 orders of birds More than ½ are Passeriformes, which include house sparrows and perching birds Struthionifrmes- Ostriches Casuariiforms- Emus
Works Cited Anatomy. 1 Apr. 2008 <>. Anatomy and Physiology of Birds. 2 Apr. 2008. Bird Anatomy. Anatomy of Animals. 7 Apr. 2008 <>. Bird Beaks Names. 3 Apr. 2008. Birds. 1 Apr. 2008 <>. Birds Feet. Children's Page. 4 Apr. 2008 <'s%20page.htm>. Brown Thrasher. 4 Apr. 2008 <>. Digestive System. Dkimages. 2 Apr. 2008 <>. Excretory System. 4 Apr. 2008 <>. Grasse, Pierre P. "The Digestive System." Larousse Encyclopedia of the Animal World. 1969th ed. 1 vols. 1969. Greater Flamingos At the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans. National Geographic. 5 Apr. 2008 <>.
Humming Bird. 5 Apr. 2008 <http://www. cssplay. co Internal Anatomy. Dkimages. 1 Apr. 2008 <>. The King Penguin: Coming Soon. 5 Apr. 2008 <>. Miller, and Levine. Biology the Living Science. Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1998. 483. Perterson, Roger. The Birds. 1963. "Skelatal System." 21 Mar. 2008. 30 Mar. 2008 <>. Tucan. Wikipedia. 5 Apr. 2008 <>. Urban Hawks. NYC. Urban Hawks. 1 Apr. 2008 <>. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 3 Apr. 2008 <>. Why Birds Migrate. 1 Apr. 2008 <>. Wilson's Warbler September 2006. 7 Apr. 2008 <>. World's 2nd Biggest Bird: the Emu. 5 Apr. 2008 <>.