Frauke Ziedorn IATUL Workshop 2013 Research Data Management: Finding our Role 6. December 2013 PIDs and DOI Registration with DataCite.


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Presentation transcript:

Frauke Ziedorn IATUL Workshop 2013 Research Data Management: Finding our Role 6. December 2013 PIDs and DOI Registration with DataCite

2 Background: Easier re-usability and verification of data Recognition for collection and documentation of data (Citation Indeces) Compliance with funders‘ requirements (e.g German Research Foundation) Avoiding duplication Motivation for new research Why publish and cite research data?

3 Persistent Identifier I DOI Citation of scientific publications Established in the scientific community Global resolving via any handle server or{doi} Persistence and data quality are guaranteed Handle Global referencing of data before publication Global resolving via any handle server No persistence or quality management

4 Persistent Identifier II URN Referencing of local documents in a closed system ( e. g. dissertations, thesis) Resolving only on server of publisher Persistence and data quality are guaranteed ARK Documents of all work stages Persistence declaration available; may be deleted Resolving only free of cost on server of publisher Quality management (metadata), no standards for persistence

5 The DOI ® System International DOI Foundation was founded in The DOI system offers long-term persistence and accessibility of data. Based on the Handle system. In May 2012 the DOI System ISO Standard was published. Part of the quality control is mandatory metadata for each object registered with a DOI. DOI ®, DOI.ORG ® and shortDOI ® are trademarks of the International DOI Foundation

6 A little History 2003: DFG-funded project of the TIB with World Data Centres regarding the publication of research data. 2005: TIB becomes the first DOI registration agency for research data. From the beginning, grey literature is also registrered : Paris Memorandum regarding the cooperation of 6 European information providers : DataCite is founded in London with 7 members.

7 DataCite Growing demand to make data citable. DataCite is an international consortium whose aims are to establish easier access to research data on the Internet to increase acceptance of research data as legitimate, citable contributions to the scholarly record to support data archiving that will permit results to be verified and re-purposed for future study. Developement of standards, worflows, and best practices. 2013: 18 members from 13 countries, 9 associated members, ~2.2 Million DOIs

8 DataCite Members

9 International DOI Foundation DataCite DataCite Member Data Centre Datacenter DataCite Member Data Centre Datacenter … Managing Agent TIB Member Associate Members 9 DOI Registration Agencies DOI System Infrastructure

10 DataCite Services Registration and updating of DOI names. Storage of metadata. Accessible via UI or API. Metadata Store (MDS)

11 DataCite and Metadata Metadata make data discoverable. Long-term maintenance of metadata is an important part of the persistence of an identifier. Schema is inspired by Dublin Core. Core value of the DataCite Metadata Schema: Linking between data and related objects. Future vision: Links between all related publications and objects.

12 DataCite Metadata Schema Identifier (with type attribute) Creator (with type and nameIdentifier attributes) Title (with optional type attribute) Publisher PublicationYear Citation: Creator (PublicationYear): Title. Publisher. Identifier Mandatory Properties

13 Citation Creator (PublicationYear): Title. Publisher. Identifier Dataset: Kuhlmann, H et al. (2009): Age models, iron intensity, magnetic susceptibility records and dry bulk density of sediment cores from around the Canary Islands. PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science. doi: /PANGAEA , /PANGAEA Is supplement to this article: Kuhlmann, Holger; Freudenthal, Tim; Helmke, Peer; Meggers, Helge (2004): Reconstruction of paleoceanography off NW Africa during the last 40,000 years: influence of local and regional factors on sediment accumulation. Marine Geology, 207(1-4), , doi: /j.margeo /j.margeo

14 DataCite Metadata Schema Subject (with scheme attribute) Contributor (with type and nameIdentifier attributes) Date (with type attribute) Language ResourceType (with description attribute) AlternateIdentifier (with type attribute) RelatedIdentifier (with type and relationType attributes) Size Format Version Rights Description (with type attribute) GeoLocation (with point, box, and place) Optional Properties

15 DataCite Services Search engine for all metadata stored in the MDS. Filter options to refine the search. Metadata Search

16 DataCite Services Exposes metadata stored in the MDS using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). Different metadata formats are available. Service is open to everyone; harvesters include: TIB (GetInfo) Thomson Reuters (Data Citation Index) Elsevier (Exlibris) OAI-PMH Data Provider

17 Services in Cooperation with CrossRef A Citation Formater which provides over 100 different formats for citations. With Content Negotiation it is possible to access different media types of a registered object (machine-to-machine only).

18 Content Negotiation Resolving to a citation: datacite+text/ / Li, j; Zhang, G; Lambert, D; Wang, J (2011): Genomic data from Emperor penguin. GigaScience.

19 Content Negotiation Resolving to RDF metadata: / Li, J Zhang, G Wang, J doi: / info:doi/ / GigaScience Lambert, D 2011 Genomic data from the Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri)

20 DataCite new developements ORCID and DataCite Interoperability Network ( ) Link datasets to your ORCID profile Inclusion of a DataCite interface in next version of D-Space

21 Links Access to all versions of the DataCite metadata schema, with documentation, schema definition, and examples. Search engine for all metadata stored by DataCite. Datacite‘s OAI-PMH service which allows access to the metadata. DataCite Content Service exposes metadata using multiple formats. DataCite‘s test system includes all services, like MDS, Search, Content Negotiation etc. Display of registration and resolving statistics.

Thank you for your attention!